
  1. 壹空间的承诺是要把当代艺术的新概念推广给更多的观众。

    TS1 has a commitment to promoting contemporary art innovations to a larger audience .

  2. 它对当代形象设计,尤其是对服饰领域如何吸收各种文化艺术的新概念,创新服饰艺术理论和设计方法具有借鉴意义。

    It was a fine modal of modern image design , especially for how to absorb and use all kinds of culture and art in apparel design .

  3. 合唱艺术表演的新概念

    New Concept of Chorus Performance

  4. 这样的特色商店是很好的场所,适合藉由以菲律宾的视觉艺术所标记的新概念,所产生具有影响视觉艺术的产品。

    This kind of specialty shop is a fitting venue for creations that impact the visual arts by blazing a new trail in the concept of Philippine visual arts .