
  1. 艺术商品的市场价值同其精神文化价值之间并不矛盾,精神文化价值越大,商品价值越高,反之就越小。

    Their market value does not conflict with spiritual and cultural value .

  2. 艺术商品价值论

    On Value of Artistic Commodities

  3. 艺术商品论

    On Art as a Commodity

  4. 前者是商品审美化的基础,而后者是艺术商品化的前提。

    The former is the base of commodity esthetic , while the latter is the premise of art commercialization .

  5. 他那张纯朴善良的笑脸,成了渐行渐远的历史符号,最终成为艺术商品市场上一个类型化的政治波普艺术的元素。

    His simple yet kind-hearted smile has gradually become a historical symbol and ultimately turned into a typecast element for political Pop art in the art market .

  6. 正是在这样的背景下,受大理古玩城文化产业发展有限公司的委托对其艺术商品信息管理系统进行设计和开发。

    In this background , the author was asked by Dali Antique Market Co. , ltd to design and develop a high-tech information managing system for them .

  7. 本文总结了我国文化艺术品市场的发展阶段,分析了作为文化艺术商品的中国画特点:既有文化艺术品的精神属性,也具备商品的共同属性。

    In this article , the seedtime of Chinese market of culture art is summarized ; as the culture art merchandise , the features of Chinese drawing is analyzed : it not only has the attribute of spirit of culture artwork , but also has the common attribute of merchandise .

  8. 广告语言艺术是商品经济大潮语言研究中的一个热门课题。

    Advertisement language art is a hot issue in the commodity economy trend .

  9. 文化艺术如同商品一样,有着很强的流通性、互补性。

    Like merchandise , culture and art are circulative and can supplement each other .

  10. 雕塑艺术与商品学

    Sculpture Art & Merchandising

  11. 广告艺术随着商品市场进一步饱和、品的同质化倾向日趋明显和电视传播的普及而兴起。

    Advertising art is emerging with the saturation of products in the market , increasing homogeneity of products and popularity of TV .

  12. 在这种背景下,艺术借助商品的力量融入生活,消费社会呈现出视觉艺术化的社会特点。

    In this context , art by commercial power into daily life , consumption society presents a " visual arts " social characteristics .

  13. 没有对建筑进行直接的批评,但称该建筑为一个寡头将艺术创作商品化加以铺张的结果,目的是令自己的品牌熠熠生辉。

    did not criticize the architecture but called the building the ostentatious result of an oligarch 's commodifying of artistic creation to burnish his own brand .

  14. 20世纪90年代以来,随着文化因素越来越多地渗透进经济活动中,文化艺术的商品属性逐渐被强调和重视,文化体制改革势在必行。

    These years , along with the cultural factors have being more and more join into economic activities , the arts and culture goods get more attention gradually .

  15. 这种批判一方面针对资本主义社会中艺术的商品化,而另一方面强调自律艺术对资本主义的社会批判功能。

    On one hand , the critique concentrates on artistic commercialization in capitalist society . On the other hand , it emphasizes the critical function of self-disciplined art on capitalist society .

  16. 在艺术的商品生产中,审美规律和商业价值规律、交换价值和艺术价值既对立,又同一。

    In artistic commodity production , it is not only opposite but also the same between the aesthetic regulars and the regulars of commercial value , the exchange value and the artistic value .

  17. 通过对平面视觉构成形式的分析,论述了构成艺术在商品包装设计中的视感作用,以加强设计过程中的感性和理性认识。

    By the analysis of plane visual formation , this article discusses the visual function of formation art in the product package so as to strengthen the perceptual and rational sense in the design process .

  18. 艺术作品的商品属性与精神塑造

    Commodity Property and Spirit Cultivation in Work of Art

  19. 商品一方面通过广告形象的审美包装,获得了越来越接近艺术品的外观特征,另一方面,广告艺术也使商品生产在观念上越来越接近艺术生产;

    On the one hand , commodities have acquired some characteristics of artistic articles in appearance by means of aesthetical advertising images ; On the other hand , the art of advertisement also makes commodity production similar to creation of works of art in theory .

  20. 电视剧制片人作为对电视剧产品艺术属性与商品属性同时负责的生产管理者,他是电视剧生产的总负责人,是生产中的创作核心、管理核心与经营核心。

    As a management who attributes to the arts and also is responsible for the production , TV drama producer is the chief of production . The producer is the core of the creative production , the core of the management and the core of the business .

  21. 外观设计是一类重要的知识产权客体,外观设计将工业实用性与艺术美感结合在商品上,提升了商品的交换价值,其在商业上所能带来的利润甚至高于技术创新。

    Appearance design is a kind of important object of intellectual property , the appearance design is practical and artistic , combined with industrial goods , which promote the Commodity Exchange value in business which can bring even higher profits than the technology innovation at times .

  22. 面对这种艺术危机,阿多诺认为他那时的大众艺术已经被商品化,失去了艺术内在的反抗与批判功能,于是对文化工业提出了批判。

    Facing with this kind of artistic crisis , he considers that the popular art has been commercialized and has already lost the intrinsic function of denial and critique , and therefore he criticizes the cultural industry .

  23. 书装设计艺术具有整体性、从属性、独立性、艺术性、商品性的特殊性质。

    The art of book binding - and - design carries properties of whole , subordinate , independent , artistic and marketable .