
  • 网络Artistic labor;Art Labor
  1. 文学翻译不同于其他翻译,它是一种创造性的艺术劳动。

    Literary translation is different from other forms of translation , and it is a kind of creationary artistic work .

  2. 历代花鸟画家以他们辛勤的艺术劳动,创造和发展了花鸟画丰富的表现形式,创作了无数的艺术珍宝。

    Flowers in their generations painter , the art of hard labor , create and develop the flower and-bird painting rich forms , created countless treasures .

  3. 艺术起源劳动说及其悖论

    On the Theory of Art Originating from Labor

  4. 艺术起源劳动说检讨

    On the Assumption That Art Originates from labour

  5. 其次,手段和目的彻底分裂的雇佣劳动,招致了艺术和劳动的分裂。

    Secondly , art is divorced from labor as a result of the insulation between means and end in wage-labor .

  6. 劳动赋予了拥有财产的最初资格,并且是几乎所有价值的源泉,作为劳动必要组成部分的比简单体力劳动更高级的民间文学艺术智力创造劳动,理应对其智力成果取得所有权。

    Labor endows people with the original qualification of possessing property , and almost the source of all values . Therefore , folklore as an intellectual creativity production , which is senior than simple physical labor , should belong to its creator .

  7. 艺术制作是体力劳动,艺术创作是哲,思考。

    Art production is manual labor , artistic creation , philosophical reflection .

  8. 道、艺术精神与异化劳动&论庄子的反异化思想

    Tao , Spirit of Art and the Alienation of Labor & On Zhuang-zi 's Thought of Anti-Alienation

  9. 制作花样需要艺术才能和艰苦劳动,也需要完备的植物结构知识。

    In making such models , hard work and artistry are called for , as well as thorough knowledge of structures .

  10. 让我们对百忙之中前来参加晚会的来宾们表示最热烈的欢迎,向为本次文化艺术节付出辛勤劳动的校领导和院团委老师表示最真挚的感谢。

    Let 's on his busy schedule to attend the evening guests , warmest welcome to this sub-culture Festival to pay all the hard work of teachers and students from the most sincere thanks .