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  1. 原始艺术与地理环境的关系

    On the relation between original art and geographical environment

  2. 民间文学艺术与地理标志的内在契合性,决定了现行地理标志制度可以对民间文学艺术的保护发挥重要作用。

    Folklore inherently corresponds to geographical indications . Therefore the existing geographical indications system could exert important function to protect folklore .

  3. 文学艺术与地理、环境、生态等科学结合,是21世纪文学发展的一种趋向。

    It means the literature , combined with environment , ecological geography is the tendency of the development of literature in 21st century .

  4. 地理素质教育是艺术中专实现地理教育价值的有效途径

    Quality Education in Gography : The Proper Way to Realize the Educational Value of Geography

  5. 基于上苑艺术馆的地理环境,我们组织一次以上苑艺术馆驻馆艺术家为主要参与者的在自然中创作并展示的艺术活动。

    Based on the landscape around Shangyuan Art Scene , we organize an art activity in the wild create and showing art works which the majority of partners will be Shangyuan Art Scene 's resident artists .

  6. 古籍内容丰富,涵盖了历史上政治、经济、文化、军事、艺术、人文、地理、农业生产、自然灾害、风土人情等诸多方面的内容,具有很高的研究价值和利用价值。

    The ancient books which cover the history of politics , economy , cultural , military , art , humanities , geography agricultural production natural disasters and customs are very informative and valuable in terms of research and utilization .

  7. 第五部分地理新课程中活动教学艺术的实践主要根据自己的教学经验,阐述了活动教学艺术在地理学科活动教学、地理活动课程、地理课外活动中的实施和应用。

    Part 5 The practice in the Geography teaching art It moves the teaching art the practice mainly to act .