首页 / 词典 / good

  • Funds;state treasury;public funds or money
  • 古代指收藏钱财的府库或钱财:~藏(zàng )(指国库)。府~(府库里的钱财)。重(zhòng )~(大量的钱财)。

  • 古同“孥”,儿女。

  • 鸟尾:鸟~。


[书] (国库里的钱财; 公款) state treasury; public funds or money:

  • 国帑

    funds in the state treasury

  1. 浮息国债的定价研究清代国家生息资本&盐业帑本考

    Study the Price of the Floating Rate T-bond A Brief Analysis on Capital and Interest of State Treasury

  2. 由饫的意义及宴会的成员是兄弟、妻帑等推断出诗歌反映的应是私饮酒典礼。

    Fom its meaning and the members of the feast , brothers and their wives and children , the private ceremony of drinking wine is speculated .