
  • 网络foundation engineering;basic engineering;infrastructure;foundation
  1. 基于FEM的深基础工程数值模拟及其实现

    Numerical Simulation of the Deep Foundation Engineering Based on FEM and Its Implementation

  2. 我国输电线路基础工程现状与展望

    Current Status and Prospect of Transmission Tower Foundation Engineering in China

  3. 建设教育强国是中华民族伟大复兴的基础工程,必须把教育事业放在优先位置,加快教育现代化,办好人民满意的教育。

    Strengthening education is fundamental to our pursuit of national rejuvenation cause .

  4. PHC管桩在油罐基础工程中的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Prestressed High-strength Concrete Pile on Oil Storage Tank Foundation

  5. 教学设计是一切教学实践的前期基础工程。

    Advance engineering to teaching practice of instructional design is everything .

  6. 学校廉洁教育是构建社会主义和谐社会的基础工程

    School Incorruption Education : Foundational Engineering of Building Socialism Harmonious Society

  7. 浅谈桥梁基础工程施工中的质量监理

    Discuss the quality supervise in the engineering construction of bridge foundation

  8. 沈阳财富中心基础工程大体积混凝土施工

    The mass concrete construction of the base of ShenYang Wealth Center

  9. 住宅楼扩底墩基础工程实例

    Case history of belled pier foundation of residential building , Beijing

  10. 在大坝基础工程帷幕灌浆、回填技术上处同行之首。

    Its dam foundation grout curtain and backfilling technologies are advanced .

  11. 非圆形大断面的地下连续墙深基础工程综述

    The summarization of noncircular large divisional plane diaphragm wall deep foundation project

  12. 现代教育是西部可持续发展的基础工程

    Modern Education is a Basic Work of Sustained Development of West China

  13. 预应力管桩在基础工程中的应用

    The application of prestressed concrete pipe pile in foundation engineering

  14. 旋挖钻机在基础工程中的运用

    Application of Rotary Excavating + Drilling Machines in Foundation Works

  15. 钻孔灌注桩技术在送电线路铁塔基础工程中的应用

    Application of Stake-Through-Drilling-and-Pouring Technique in the Basic Engineering of Transmitting Line Pylons

  16. 软土桩基础工程探讨与实践

    Discussion and practice of pile foundation engineering on condition of soft soil

  17. 校园一卡通系统是校园信息化的基础工程。

    The campus one-card-through system is basic project of the campus information .

  18. 关注教育的基础工程:小学教师培养

    Paying Attention to Basic Educational Project : Training Primary Teachers

  19. 大桥钻孔灌注桩基础工程施工技术

    Construction Technique of Bridge Foundation Work & the Cast-in-place Piles

  20. 安全社区建设:社会减灾的基础工程

    Construction of Safe Community : Fundamental Engineering for Society 's Disaster Reduction

  21. 天然地基筏形基础工程应用的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on Engineering Application of Raft Foundation on Natural Ground

  22. 教育创新是文化创新的基础工程。

    Educational innovation is the basic project of cultural innovation .

  23. 信息化技术在大型基础工程中的应用及研究

    Information Technology Application for Extra Large Basement in a Mall

  24. 钻孔压浆桩在大型工业厂房基础工程中的应用

    High Pressure Bored Piles Applied in Foundation Engineering of Major Industry Workshops

  25. 深大基础工程施工变形智能预测与控制研究

    Research on Intelligent Prediction and control of deep and large excavation work

  26. 超流态混凝土灌注桩在基础工程中的应用

    The application of super - flowing concrete grouting pile in foundation work

  27. 地基基础工程条件的评价在工程勘探中的应用及意义

    Application and significance of evaluation of foundation engineering conditions in engineering prospecting

  28. 变电所基础工程设计的点滴体会

    Bits of Understanding of Engineering Design for Substation Foundation

  29. 灌注桩基础工程质量事故的处理

    Treatment of quality accident of grouting pile foundation construction

  30. 基础工程中模板施工技术方案

    The technical proposal of formwork construction in foundation engineering