
  • 网络base case
  1. 通过工程实例,结合各种基础方案的特点,探讨LC桩复合地基在处理软弱泥炭质土层等特殊地基方面的应用;

    This paper introduced an engineering case , compared kinds of foundation project by their characteristic , discussed the applied of LC pile in flabby turfs layer .

  2. 根据油罐地质特点,对5万m3钢储油罐的四种备选地基基础方案,建立评价指标和层次关系,运用层次分析法优选出低强度混凝土刚性桩复合地基处理方案。

    According to the geological characteristics , the evaluation targets and hierarchy relations of four types of foundation schemes of the 50,000m 3 steel oil tank have been established .

  3. 通过对120m3发酵罐基础方案的讨论,选定了一种扭麻花式的基础梁板方案,对地基承载力、沉降倾斜等主面进行了验算。

    A scheme of twisting foundation beam and slab was selected through the discussion on the foundation design for 120m 3 fermenting tank group , whose soil bearing capacity and settlement declination etc were checked .

  4. 火力发电厂工程桩基础方案优化探讨

    Inquire into Optimization of Pile Foundation Schemes in Thermal Generation Engineering

  5. 某高层建筑基础方案的选择与应用

    Selection and Application of the Foundation Scheme for a High-rise Building

  6. 新闻大厦裙房基础方案的比较、优选

    Comparison and Optimization of Foundation Designs of Podium of News Building

  7. 高层建筑基础方案选型专家系统研究

    Research on Expert System for High Rise Buildings Foundation Scheme

  8. 价值工程在优化基础方案设计中的应用

    Application of Value Engineering Method to Optimization Designing the Foundation

  9. 某基础方案的选择与经济效益分析

    The Selection of a Foundational Project and the Analysis of Economical Benefit

  10. 紧邻地铁隧道某大厦基础方案有限元分析

    FEM Analysis for Building Foundation Schemes Adjacent to Metro Tunnels

  11. 价值工程在基础方案选择中的应用

    The application of value engineering in foundation schemes ' selection

  12. 工程质量检测站岩土工程评价及基础方案分析

    Geotechnical engineering evaluation and foundation scheme analysis of engineering quality inspection station

  13. 地方家禽遗传资源保护基础方案探讨

    Discussion on the Foundation Scheme for Protecting the Genetic Resources of Local Poultry

  14. 影响并控制功能或发展的基础方案。

    A basic scheme or pattern that affects and controls function or development .

  15. 影响基础方案的因素及实例分析

    Elements of influencing foundation scheme and example analysis

  16. 地基基础方案的选择要结合上部结构形式和布置以及建筑场地的特点来考虑。

    Selecting foundation base scheme should consider upper architecture form , collocation and place .

  17. 正确选择地基基础方案,提高经济效益

    Select Foundation Scheme Correctly To Increase Economic Benefit

  18. 杭州西郊某岩溶场地基础方案分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discussion of a Karstic Site Foundation Scheme in Western Suburb , Hangzhou

  19. 参附注射液对顺铂为基础方案治疗非小细胞肺癌的减毒作用

    Effect of Shenfu Injection for Attenuating the Toxicity of Cisplatin-based Regimens in Treating Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

  20. 文章实现了上述技术过程,提出针对研究区的景观优化基础方案。

    This thesis achieves the above-mentioned technical process and put forwards programs of landscape optimization of the research area .

  21. 本文讨论了各种基础方案的选择,介绍了摩擦桩的试验。

    In this paper the selection of the foundation types are discussed and the tests of friction piles are introduced .

  22. 该文通过数个工程实例的检测结果探讨分析原因,并提出配合比调整和管桩基础方案建议。

    Through analyzed the testing results of several engineering examples , the mixing ratio adjustment and pipe pile foundation schemes are proposed .

  23. 在软土地基上,多层建筑或是较大荷载的构筑物采用天然基础方案在很多情况下难以满足地基变形的要求。

    Multilayer buildings or constructions on soft ground bearing heavier load may not meet the deformation of the foundation during many situations .

  24. 在软土上设计油库基础方案,需进行技术经济上的比较。

    Design schemes of oil depot basis on the soft base are required to make comparison from the perspectives of technological economy .

  25. 选取筏板基础方案,采用缺口梁方法,可以解决石砌体墙下条形基础加固问题。

    Raft foundation was adopted to solve this problem and notched beams were used to strengthen the old strip foundation under masonry wall .

  26. 北京某高层建筑地基基础方案选优&钻孔压灌素砼桩复合地基在北京地区高层建筑中首次应用

    Foundation Optimization of A Highrise Building in Beijing & Analysis and First Application of Composite Foundation with Cast-in-place Plain Concrete Pile Driven by Auger Rig

  27. 因为m挠群和基础方案都具有一些良好的性质,所以该方案与基础方案一样简单有效。

    Due to the nice properties of m-torsion groups and the base scheme , it turns out that our scheme is as efficient as the base scheme .

  28. 将用于经济下限资源量确定的各项参数值与基础方案相应参数值进行对比、校正;

    Third , the variables to determine the lower economic limit resources should be compared with the relevant parameters from the basic development plan and then corrected .

  29. 结合某高速公路上新建的分离式立交桥,详细介绍该桥的地基和基础方案设计,供同行参考。

    Integrating with newly built separate interchange on certain expressway , this paper gives detail introduction to foundation and base design for this bridge , for reference .

  30. 因此认为,对于中空建筑物,基础方案选择、地下室底板抗浮设计和回填土处理是确保其安全经济的主要措施。

    In accordance with the characteristics of foundation scheme knowledge , an opening Knowledge Base with hierarchical structure is constructed , and the knowledge is presented with production rule .