
  • 网络Semi infinite plane;half plane;infinite half plane
  1. 本文第一个按照非局部弹性理论求解了半无限平面边缘裂纹问题。

    The paper is the first one to deal with the edge crack in an infinite half plane of nonlocal elasticity .

  2. 可以发现,ITM对于半无限平面问题的求解具有独到的优势,因其能得到变换域内各变量的解析表达式,在此基础上再施以逆变换或者进行数值积分,能方便地得到比较精确的解。

    It reveals that , ITM has exceptional advantages in solving the semi-infinite plane problem since the analytic expressions of solutions can be obtained in the transform domain . Then relatively accurate results can be obtained easily via operating the inverse transform or numerical integration of these analytic expressions .

  3. 研究孔隙热弹性半无限平面的力学行为。

    The mechanical characteristics of thermoelastic half-plane with voids are investigated .

  4. 用边界单元法分析结构与半无限平面地基的相互作用

    BEM Applied to Analysis of Interaction between Structures and Semi-Infinite Plane Base

  5. 半无限平面问题间接边界元法的扩展

    Development of indirect boundary element method for the half - plane problem

  6. 有孔半无限平面的热应力

    Thermal stress in Semi & infinite Plate with Circular Hole

  7. 用无穷元模拟半无限平面弹性地基

    Simulation of Semi-infinite Plane Elastic Foundation Using Infinite Elements

  8. 无限与半无限平面弹性问题的边界元技术

    Boundary Element Technique in Infinite and Semi-infinite Plan Domain

  9. 这种方法特别适用于不规则的半无限平面问题。

    This method is particularly suitable for solving problems of irregular semi-infinite plane domains .

  10. 本文提出一种七节点超参无穷元用于模拟半无限平面弹性地基的计算方法。

    A seven-node superparametric infinite element model for simulating semiinfinite plane elastic foundation is presented and the fundamental principles and formulas of the model are described .

  11. 首先推导了横观各向同性线弹性介质半无限平面内的位错解析解。

    First of all , an analytical solution of dislocation is deduced , which is suitable to elastic semi-infinite plane of homogeneous , transversely isotropic media .

  12. 利用数字散斑干涉法,研究了半无限平面模型在受冲击载荷下的面内位移场的测试技术。

    In this paper , the method of measuring the in-plane displacement field under an impact loading is proposed and is named dynamic digital speckle pattern interferometry .

  13. 利用混凝土传热的延迟性质,研究了任意降温过程中半无限平面问题无限平面化的条件。

    The temperature of surface zone in mass concrete under different boundaries is controlled by semi infinite model , and is transferred to and calculated by an equivalent .

  14. 该模型考虑了多种介质、开挖过程和施工顺序的模拟以及地表因素的半无限平面等问题。

    This model has considered many sorts of medium , the simulation of excavation process and construction sequence , and the semi - infinite plane of surface factor as well .

  15. 在比较半无限平面大地模型和四周无限大地圆形隧道模型基础上,提出电气上的长大隧道概念。

    Based on model comparison between the semi-infinite earth and the circular tunnel with peripheral infinite earth , the conception of long and large tunnel in the electrical meaning is put forward .

  16. 二维平面结构和带孔半无限平面受冲击时的应力波。

    These are the stress concentration at circular or elliptical hole in strut under impulsive loads , the stress waves in the two-dimensional plane structure and semi-infinite plane with a hole under impact .

  17. 用应力一次跌落软化模型来模拟土体应力应变软化关系曲线,分析了该模型下半无限平面应变土体的承载力。

    In this paper the problem of the foundation bearing capacity of semi-infinite plane strain soil body is analyzed with the use of stress-dropping strain-softening model , which is used to simulate the stress-strain-softening relation of soil .

  18. 该解可以用来求解压电、压磁和电磁耦合弹性介质材料楔形体和半无限平面体受集中力、点电荷和点电流作用下的问题。

    That solution can be used to solve the problem that the wedge shape body and the semi plane infinity body are acted by a point force , a point charge and a point electric current for piezoelectric-piezomagnetic and elastic media .

  19. 含任意分布裂纹与缺陷的板条加筋结构的应力强度因子本文研究两种不同材料、不同厚度、各带裂纹和椭圆孔的半无限平面加筋结构受均匀拉伸的问题。

    STRESS INTENSITY FACTORS FOR PERIODIC STIFFENED STRIPS WITH RANDOM CRACK AND / OR HOLE In this paper we consider uniform extension problems for joined two half-planes with different thickness and material behavior and one of which contains an elliptical hole , the other contains a crack .

  20. 半无限大平面导电媒质中空洞定位问题的迭代算法

    An Iterative Algorithm for Locating a Hole in Semi-infinite Planar Conductive Medium

  21. 提出了半无限大平面中空洞定位问题的一种新方法。

    A novel method concerning the problem of locating a hole in two dimensional semiinfinite plane is presented .

  22. 本文用微闪系统研究了冲击载荷作用下,半无限弹性平面中五种型式孔洞附近的动应力分布和动应力集中问题。

    By using microflash system , this paper investigates the dynamic stress distribution and stress concentration problem in neighbourhood of different types of cavity in a semi-infinite elastic plane under impulse loading .

  23. 本文从Sommerfeld半无限大金属平面衍射的严格解得到狭缝平面的初始场分布,由Fourier变换给出两种偏振E和H的衍射公式。

    - The initial field distribution of a slit from Sommerfeld 's rigorous solution of electromagnetic theory on infinite half-plane diffraction and then by using Fourier transformation far-field diffraction patterns of the slit and filament in both E and H-polarization are obtained .

  24. 根据波尔近似,借助于波动积分方程,近似求解半无限弹性空间中平面SH波由圆形空腔和刚性包体所散射的问题。

    By using the Born approximation , the scattering of SH-waves by the circular cavity and the circular rigid inclusion embedded in half-space is solved approximately by means of Integral representation of the wave equation .