- son-in-law;half son

(1) [son-in-law]∶女婿的别称
(2) [half son]∶妻子同前夫所生的儿子
鲁大海-- 四凤的哥哥, 鲁贵的半子。-- 曹禺《雷雨》
Of the singular points (?) Spectral Function and Weyl-Function of Singular Left-Definite Sturm-Liouville Problems
Half-sample up-down method using the maximum-likelihood estimator as the random variable
Jerry Thomas recommended floating a half-shot of dark rum .
Study on experimental method for sub-structure frame with two and a half stories
The Single Meron Solution as Reducing and Dissolving of SO ( 4 ) Gauge Fields
For sufficiently strong spin-orbit coupling , stable vortex lattices emerge spontaneously , corresponding to the formation of a meron-pair lattice in the pseudospin representation .
In this paper , a kind of SO ( 14 ) grand unified model which can contain two right-left fermion generations is discussed in some detail .
To define a demi module we make use of a demi subring which is a subset of a ring closed under both the operations of the ring .
By fusion with radar data , the areas occupied by vehicles in the image are recognized by vehicles detection module , and the lane mark points within the vehicle occupied areas are removed from the candidate points .
In this study , we propose a method for isolating the 3 component receiver function from multi channel seismic data based on multi channel maximal likelihood deconvolution princple . HALF-SAMPLE UP-DOWN METHOD USING THE MAXIMUM-LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATOR AS THE RANDOM VARIABLE
He is a marvelous hand at picking up bargains and can always , for instance , persuade the butcher to give him a pound of eatable meat for two pence , yet at the same time he is an absolute fool about money , and never saves a halfpenny .