
  1. 本征正交分解(POD)方法在建筑风荷载及其动态响应中的应用研究

    A Study on Applications of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition to Wind Load and Wind-induced Response of Buildings

  2. 高层建筑风荷载高频测力天平试验技术

    Experimental Technology on Dynamic Wind Loads on a Tall Building

  3. 低矮型建筑风荷载的分析、实验及数值模拟

    Analyse 、 Experiment and Numerical Simulation of the Wind Load on Low-rise Buildings

  4. 典型超高层建筑风荷载幅值特性研究

    Amplitude characteristics of wind loads on typical super-tall buildings

  5. 高层建筑风荷载计算中的基本振型表达式分析

    Analysis of Fundamental Mode Shape Expressions of Tall Buildings for Evaluating Wind Loads

  6. 高层建筑风荷载及其抗风设计

    Wind load and wind resistance design of high-rise building

  7. 吸气方法在高层建筑风荷载减阻中的应用

    Application of the suction method to reduce the wind load on high-rise building

  8. 高层建筑风荷载反演研究

    Study on Wind Load Inverse of Tall Building

  9. 球形建筑风荷载及风流场的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of wind loads and wind flow field around a spherical tall building

  10. 中国与越南建筑风荷载规范计算分析比较

    Analysis and comparison of wind load on building between Chinese code and Vietnamese standard

  11. 双幕墙长矩形建筑风荷载特性的试验研究

    Wind tunnel test study on wind load characteristics for double-skin facade building with rectangular shape

  12. 群体高层建筑风荷载干扰的研究现状及展望

    Research History and State-of-art of Interference Effects of Wind Loads of a Cluster of Tall Buildings

  13. 北京西站选址及总体布局北京西站主站房建筑风荷载模拟实验研究

    Simulation Test of Wind Load Characteristics of the Main Terminal Building of Beijing West Railway Station

  14. 本文通过风洞实验的方法研究了以椭圆形为基本截面形状,两个相邻的由条状平板搭接构成的塔楼建筑风荷载的特性。

    By means of wind tunnel test , the wind actions on twin tower buildings were studied .

  15. 通过对低矮型建筑风荷载的科学研究,来深入揭示其屋面风致破坏机理,从而指导工程实践是&个现实而又亟待解决的问题。

    The problem of how to reveal the mechanism of wind-induced damages about the roof of low-rise buildings by the researches of local wind environment on low-rise buildings is very important to instruct the practice of engineering .

  16. 简单介绍了利用高频天平测量高层建筑风荷载的原理和试验方法,讨论了高层建筑风响应的计算,提出了一种动态风荷载和静态风荷载沿高度分布的计算方法。

    Principle of wind load measurement by using a high frequency balance and calculation of wind response on a high-rise building are discussed . A computational method of the dynamic and static wind loads on a structure is also provided .

  17. 本文介绍了军队营房工程外墙外保温节能体系的工程应用简况,指出了超高层建筑风荷载负压是影响外墙外保温体系安全的关键。

    The paper introduces the engineering appliance outline of army barracks project 's external wall 's exterior insulation energy saving system and points out that wind load 's negative pressure is the key of influencing safety of external wall 's exterior insulation energy saving system .

  18. 重庆某高层建筑动力风荷载试验研究

    Experimental study on aerodynamic loads of a tall building in Chongqing

  19. 高层建筑静风荷载的干扰效应研究

    Study on Wind-induced Mean Interference Effects Between Two Tall Buildings

  20. 建筑幕墙风荷载的数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation of wind load acting on glass curtain walls

  21. 低层建筑表面风荷载数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation of Surface Wind Load on Low-rise Buildings

  22. 洞口设置对高层建筑静力风荷载的影响研究

    Research on the influence of openings to static wind load of highrise buildings

  23. 建筑结构风荷载及其动态响应研究

    The investigation of wind loads and dynamic responses on tall buildings and structures

  24. 高层建筑横向风荷载模拟及响应分析

    Experiment Simulation of Across-wind Load on High-rised Building and Analysis of Corresponding Respones

  25. 复杂山体地形对低矮建筑的风荷载作用效应研究

    Analysis of Wind Load Effect of the Low-rise Housing in the Complicated Mountain Terrain

  26. 对于超高层建筑,风荷载是决定脚手架施工技术以及施工安全的关键性因素之一。

    Wind load is one of the key factors for scaffold which is used on super high-rise buildings .

  27. 在建筑结构风荷载的研究中,主要采用的方法是风洞模型试验。

    In wind load research of the structure , the method of wind tunnel model test is mainly used .

  28. 高层建筑扭转风荷载是一个常常受忽视的因素,截面形状、周围建筑干扰度对扭转风荷载产生影响。

    So for the tall buildings with parallelogram cross-section the torsional wind loads should be considered in the structural design .

  29. 对于跨度大,柔性大,自重轻的建筑,风荷载往往是结构设计非常的重要因素。

    For long span , flexible and light weight building , wind load is a critical factor in the process of design .

  30. 高层建筑三维风荷载形成机理复杂,影响因素众多,一直以来都是风工程研究的热点问题。

    Wind load on high-rise building is always a focal problem in wind engineering because of its ' complex mechanism and numerous influencing factors .