
  • Bearing platform beam;apron piece
  1. 针对梁下土体和基桩刚度对承台梁内力的影响进行研究。

    Finite element analysis of strip beam foundation and pile foundation ;

  2. 考虑基桩承载力差异随机性的承台梁内力分析

    Analysis for Foundation Beam Inner-force Considering Pile Bearing Capacity Variance

  3. 墙下桩基承台梁的内力计算

    Internal force calculation of pile supported beams under walls

  4. 条形桩基承台梁随机优化分析

    Random Optimum Analysis of Strip Foundation Beams of Pile

  5. 考虑土体连续性的桩基承台梁内力分析

    Analysis for the internal force of pile capping beam considering continuity of soil mass

  6. 桩基承台梁结构分析的新方法

    A New Method to Analyse Pile-Cap Structure

  7. 墙下条形桩基承台梁的截面选取及配筋计算

    Section Selecting and Reinforce Calculating of Beam Carrying Platform on Strip Foundation of Piles Under Wall

  8. 墙下条形桩基承台梁与单排桩协同工作分析

    Analysis of Beam Carring Platform on Strip Foundation of Piles Under Wall Working in Coordination with Single Row of Piles

  9. 以分层地基模型并采用有限元有限压缩层的计算方法为基础建立起桩土支承体系刚度矩阵,从而导出桩土承台梁的共同作用方程。

    Based on the finite element finite compressible stratums method , the stiff matrix of the pile soil sustaining system is established and interaction equation is elicited .

  10. 推导出墙下条形桩基承台梁三种计算模型的存在条件,并进行了内力比较;

    This paper derives occurrence condition of three computing models of beam carrying platform on strip foundation of piles under wall . The inter forces are compared .

  11. 对竖向弹性刚度不同的单排桩协同工作进行了分析,总结出条形承台梁下不同竖向弹性刚度的单排桩协同工作规律。

    The cooperative works of single rank of piles with different vertical elastic rigidity under strip beam is analysed and the cooperative works rule is summarized in this paper .

  12. 条形桩基承台梁在我国现代建筑工程中应用极为普遍,其设计计算大多采用倒置的连续梁模式进行简化计算。

    Due to the complexity of the behavior of pile capping beam widely used in the construction , the inverted continuous beam method is usually adopted in design methods to simplify the computation .

  13. 经济适用房设计与可持续发展&兼谈住宅小区规划设计的一些经济问题考虑土体连续性的桩基承台梁内力分析

    The design of economic practical building and continuity development & and to discussing some economic problems of residence small region division and design Analysis for the internal force of pile capping beam considering continuity of soil mass