
  1. 幻数n较大的富勒稀分子的最大承受载荷和压缩刚度较大,但失效应变较小;

    The bigger the magic number n for an empty fullerene is , the higher its load support capability Fmax and stiffness are , but the lower its invalidation strain li is ;

  2. 首先在ANSYS中建立刚架结构的几何模型和有限元模型,通过静力分析,得出结构在承受载荷时出现最大挠度和最大应力的位置。

    First , the geometrical modal and the meshed geometrical modal are built in ANSYS . The result of the structure under load is got by static analysis .

  3. 承受载荷较高、经济适用。

    High loading ability , economical , suitable .

  4. 立柱是用来调节支架高度并承受载荷的。

    Hydraulic cylinder is used to adjust the height of holder and load bearing .

  5. 实际结构中,在承受载荷后,一般都存在非线性变形的影响。

    In actual structure , after bearing load , there is nonlinear distortion effect .

  6. 锯切弧区内金刚石颗粒承受载荷的研究

    A Study on the Load on Diamond Grit in the Cutting Arc Zone when Sawing Granite

  7. 向心关节轴承在承受载荷时,承载区各点的压应力是不等值的。

    When absorbing load , various loaded points of plain radial bearing receive different compressive stresses .

  8. 这表明当基体完全破坏的时候,纤维仍能够在纵向承受载荷。

    That means when the matrix is entirely broken , the fiber can still endure the longitudinal load .

  9. 径向滑动轴承通过动压作用形成动压油膜来承受载荷,在几何间隙发散区会产生油膜空穴,存在油膜空穴区。

    Journal bearings bear the load with hydrodynamic fluid and film cavitation will appear in the divergence region .

  10. 推导出组合关键层弹性模量、承受载荷和极限跨距的计算公式,完善了组合关键层理论。

    The formulae of calculating modulus of elasticity , loading and limit span for combinatorial key stratum are given .

  11. 并研究了三种失稳与砌体梁的跨距、高度及其承受载荷的关系。

    Their relationships between instability of stacked layer and its span , height , and loading are studied respectively .

  12. 汽车紧急制动时,前钢板弹簧承受载荷最大,在最大载荷的情况下,前钢板弹簧出现最大应力。

    Calculate the maximum load and maximum stress of front leaf spring when the automobile brakes by the theoretical calculation .

  13. 实验结果表明:货叉承受载荷时,其叉根部位应力集中严重;

    Results show that , when the fork is subjected to load , the stress concentration at the fork root is severe .

  14. 基于小挠度下杆所承受载荷的微分方程,确定了细长运动杆的失稳临界载荷。

    Based on the differential equation of the bar with small defection , the buckling critical load of vimineous bar is confirmed .

  15. 由于承受载荷的复杂性,加上年久失修,其中铜浮车间内侧挡墙出现明显的破坏。

    The inner side wall of one workshop became significantly fractured owing to complexity of loads and using of long time without repair .

  16. 桩筏基础具有良好的承受载荷、减少平均沉降、调节差异沉降功能。

    Pile-raft foundation has right function that is big carrying capacity , reduce the average settlement and adjust the difference settlement and so on .

  17. 应力和应变等值云图显示,复合材料在受到拉伸时承受载荷的主要是构成线圈的玻璃纤维纱线。

    Stress and strain contour nephogram displayed , it was the loops consisting of glass fiber yarns in composites to bear the main tensile loads .

  18. 三曲柄式万向联轴器偏转角变化时对传递元件承受载荷最大值的影响

    Influence of Change in Deflection Angle of Universal Coupling of Three & Crank Type with Constant Angular Velocity of Maximum Value of Load of Transfer Element

  19. 多数岩体工程在爆破开挖过程中,围岩承受载荷的形式为具有一定静应力下的循环冲击载荷。

    During blasting excavation in many rock engineerings , the surrounding rock mass is subjected to repeated impact loads coupled with vertical and horizontal static stresses .

  20. 根据功能、用途和承受载荷的不同,在结构设计上,会各有差异,但是辊筒零件的基本结构是相同的。

    According to the function , bear the load , the structural design will vary , but the basic structure of the roller parts are the same .

  21. 在工程结构中,为确保结构在规定的使用条件和环境下,在给定的使用寿命期间有效地承受载荷和耐受环境而正常工作,对其进行可靠性分析就显得尤为重要。

    To ensure proper performance of engineering structures under given supporting loads and bearing environment during design lifetime , it is essential to give a reliability analysis .

  22. 增加气泡膜厚和粘弹性,既可以延长气泡变形达到平衡的时间,又可以增强气泡承受载荷的能力。

    Increasing the thickness and viscosity of protein film can prolong the time needed to reach balance state , and enhance the load-bearing capacity of protein bubble obviously .

  23. 根据弹性力学原理,分析了简支梁的最大可承受载荷及上下表面的应变分布。

    Based on the elastic mechanics theory , the maximum load of a freely supported beam and the strain distribution on both sides of the beam are analyzed .

  24. 本文分析了几种典型损伤&疲劳损伤、腐蚀损伤对海洋平台结构系统可靠性的影响,在考虑其对结构构件强度和承受载荷的影响情况下分析随时间而变化的海洋平台结构的系统可靠性。

    Taking account of the influence by damages such as fatigue , bump and corrosion , the paper discusses the method used to obtain the system reliability of the offshore structure .

  25. 该模型利用管接头结构中缠绕法成形的管和套管材料、几何形状和所承受载荷的轴对称性,采用一阶层合板理论分析管壁的应力和变形。

    An analytical model was developed using the first-order laminated anisotropic plate theory to determine the stress and strain distributions within FRP and steel pipe joint under combined torsional and tensile loading .

  26. 从动螺旋伞齿轮是汽车后桥主减速器的重要零件之一,在汽车的传动过程中起着承受载荷的重要作用。

    The spiral bevel driven gear is one of the important parts of Automobile Rear Axle main reducer , it plays an important role of bearing load in the automotive transmission process .

  27. 本文用简明的几何推导,弹性力学的方法,推导出了轮齿受载弹性变形后同时啮合的确切齿对和承受载荷最大的齿对的载荷与总载荷的比例系数&承载能力系数。

    The number of teeth pairs mating simultaneously and the proportion coefficient of the biggest load on a tooth to total load is derived explicitly by means of geometric method and elastic mechanics .

  28. 由于铝型材品种规格多样,并且在挤压过程中材料流动状况复杂,挤压模具承受载荷状况恶劣,使得铝型材挤压产品开发和模具的设计成为一项艰巨的任务。

    Aluminum profiles ' variant specifications and extrusion dies ' fierce working conditions due to complex material flow status make the aluminum extrusion products ' exploitation and die design a very difficult task .

  29. 方滑枕结构广泛应用在数控铣镗机床中,是完成加工的主要部件之一,也是直接承受载荷的部件。

    The structure of the square ram is widely used in NC boring and milling machine . It is one of major parts of completing processing and it is the part that directly receives loads .

  30. 机织建筑膜材料不同于一般的建筑材料,它是一种柔性的机织物涂层复合材料,需要依赖膜的特定张拉形状才能承受载荷。

    It is different from these general building materials . It is a flexible composite material made of the coated fabric , and it has to rely on its tensioned shape to bear the load .