
  • 网络Mount;setting-in
  1. 嵌装圆柱式盘状凸轮机构

    Mechanism of inserted cylinder disc cam

  2. 联接件基座分体组合拼装统一固定。整体嵌装产品内部或部件上。

    The linking piece bases are combined and assembled separately and fixed uniformly and are embedded inside the product or at the components as a whole .

  3. 可以在弹性塑料腰带两端部嵌装软磁片,有助于消除使用者的疲劳。

    Soft magnetic disks can be embedded at two end parts of an elastic plastic waistband , thereby being helpful to eliminating fatigue of the user .

  4. 并且,在高于输入液管口的滴帽中空部嵌装加药胶塞。

    The hollow part of the dripping hat being higher than the pipe opening of the input liquor is embedded with a medicine charging rubber plug .

  5. 宽边纵向缝隙阵具有较强的嵌装能力和牢固的箱梁结构,可广泛应用于引信天线、寻的天线、通讯天线和其它各类雷达天线中。

    The antenna of Longitudinal slots have strong capacity and firmly structure , can be widely used in fuze antennas , homing antennas , communications antennas and other types of radar antennas .

  6. 在靶材(1)的底部设置一凹槽,金属薄片(7)嵌装在靶材(1)的底部设置的凹槽内。

    A groove is formed at the bottom of the target ( 1 ), and the metal thin sheet ( 7 ) is embedded in the groove formed at the bottom of the target ( 1 ) .

  7. WX系列汽轮发电机定子嵌线工装应用

    The Use of Stator Coil Assembly Tool for WX Series of Turbogenerators

  8. 嵌金属丝装药的燃面和发动机的内弹道计算

    Calculations of Burning Surfaces of Grain with Embedded Metal Wires and of Internal Ballistics of Such Motor