
  • 网络Embedded Development;arm;Embedded System Development
  1. BREW技术在嵌入式开发中的应用研究与实现

    Study and Realization on BREW Technique in the Embedded System Development

  2. 本课题的研究目的在于选择ARM芯片进行嵌入式开发,并进行系统的应用程序设计,实现完整的直流接地故障检测装置,对于嵌入式系统在工业控制领域的应用具有一定的意义。

    The research of the paper attempts to choose ARM processor to carry through embedded system development and design application program , realize an integrated DC System Grounding Detection Device , which is meaningful for use of embedded system in industrial control field .

  3. Linux正在嵌入式开发领域稳步发展。

    Linux is making steady progress in the embedded arena .

  4. 基于ARM和FPGA的嵌入式开发平台设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Two Embedded Development Platform Based on ARM and FPGA

  5. 基于Linux网络协议栈的嵌入式开发

    Embedded Development based on Protocol Stacks of Linux

  6. 基于Eclipse的嵌入式开发工具的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Eclipse Based Embedded Software Development Tool

  7. 针对不同的MCU,重新配置开发平台,可以形成面向该MCU的图形化嵌入式开发平台。

    The graphical embedded development platform can be customized to different MCUs just by reconfiguring the parameters .

  8. SOPC是一种可编程的嵌入式开发的片上系统,可在FPGA上实现微处理器。

    SOPC is a programmable embedded development system on a chip , which could implement microprocessors on FPGA .

  9. 在进行LINUX内核嵌入式开发时,经常使用内核启动过程中读取静态配置文件内容的方式对内核某些变量进行初始化,当静态配置文件改动时,只有重启内核,新配置才能生效。

    When doing embedded development in LINUX kernel , programmers often use the method that reads static config file to initialize kernel variables during kernel booting .

  10. 嵌入式开发技术J2ME及其分析

    The J2ME Embeded Technique and Its Analysis

  11. 基于Linux系统的嵌入式开发中,桌面系统中的一些常用工具消耗资源严重,不适用于嵌入式环境。

    In the development of embedded system based on Linux , some useful administrative tools , which are often used in desktop environment , are too heavy weight for embedded system .

  12. Linux作为开源软件,可以免费获得,而且它具有功能很强大、广泛的平台支持的特点,在嵌入式开发中具有广阔的前景。

    As open source software & Linux which is powerful and has extensive support of platforms , can be gained free , so Linux has a wide future in embedded development .

  13. 在嵌入式开发平台上实现具有图形用户界面(GUI)的模糊模式数字识别系统。

    A system of number recognition with a graphic user interface ( GUI ) is implemented on the embedded development platform by using the fuzzy pattern recognition method .

  14. 本文首先介绍了PID参数自整定的发展情况以及嵌入式开发平台,在理论上分析了继电反馈和基于阶跃辨识两种PID参数自整定方法,并利用Matlab对这两种方法进行了仿真。

    First , the dissertation introduces the PID auto-tuning development and the embedded system . Two PID auto-tuning methods based on relay feedback and step identification are analyzed theoretically and are simulated by Matlab .

  15. 完成了嵌入式开发环境的构建和嵌入式系统的移植,并编写了语音处理模块的调试程序,以及信号处理模块调试程序中的FPGA部分。

    The paper completes the building of the embedded development environment and embedded systems migration , the programming of the voice processing module and signal processing module in the FPGA part for debugger .

  16. 第四部分说明了在嵌入式开发环境Tornado下程序调试方法以及对调试结果的分析。

    The forth part narrates the mode of debugging the programmer in the Tornado environment and the analysis of the result .

  17. 在该嵌入式开发环境中如何优化JPEG解码算法,从而最大限度的利用已有的硬件资源。

    We discussed that how to optimize the JPEG decoding algorithm in the embed system development environment and how to utilize the given hardware resources extremely .

  18. 但是要感谢有这种选择自由度以及非常活跃的Linux社区,Linux上的嵌入式开发已经达到了新的境界,并且调整模块以适合您的规范从未比现在更简单。

    But thanks to this freedom of choice and to a very active Linux community , embedded development on Linux has reached new vistas , and tailoring modules to your specifications has never been simpler .

  19. 将嵌入式开发平台划分为与MCU相关和与MCU无关两个部分是本文实现可定制的重要手段,同时也是本文的重要创新点。

    Dividing the embedded development platform to MCU dependence part and MCU independence part is not only the method to realize the customized feature , but also the innovation of the paper .

  20. 不同的MCU,其硬件参数、硬件驱动程序和开发工具各不相同,要实现平台的通用性,图形化嵌入式开发平台必须具有可定制功能。

    Different kinds of MCUs have different hardware parameters , drivers and development tools . To realize the universality of different platforms , we must ensure the graphical embedded development platform can be customized .

  21. 最后总结了嵌入式开发的考虑因素,给出开发实例&远图移动地图浏览器PocketMap1.0,进行技术总结和展望。

    Finally , the paper summarizes the factors that should be considered in the period of embedded development and gives a practical instance & " Pocket Map 1.0 ", and pictures the prospect of mobile map .

  22. Nano-X嵌入式开发环境的本地化要求支持中文输入。

    The localization of nano-X , an embedded development environment , requires the support of Chinese input .

  23. 在硬件电路中,采用DSP嵌入式开发系统,提高数据的处理速度,使用可编程逻辑器件FPGA实现对外围接口电路的逻辑控制。

    In hardware circuit , the speed of data processing are improved with DSP , Field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) control logic of periphery circuit . In software system , we analyze the principle of subpixel subdivision and establish the mathematic model .

  24. 论文研究主要涉及嵌入式开发技术、3S集成技术、空间数据采集、移动计算技术、无线通讯技术、GPS定位导航等技术以及计算机科学和空间信息科学等领域。

    This paper is focused on the following technologies : embedded development , 3S integration , spatial data collection , mobile computing , wireless communication , GPS positioning and navigation , and the fields of computer science and spatial information science .

  25. BREW是一种嵌入式开发应用平台,它提供一个高效、低成本、可扩展的应用程序执行环境(AEE),在BREW平台上开发的应用程序可无缝植入任何手持设备。

    BREW is a platform for embedded development and application . A high-efficiency , low-cost and extendable environment is provided in which applications is implanted into any handed-equipments .

  26. 分析了嵌入式开发中不同MCU串行通信编程的共性,根据软件工程的基本原理提取了MCU串行通信编程的基本要素,把编程要素分为通用部分和个性部分。

    The commonness of serial communication for various MCUs in embedded application is analyzed . Based on the principles of software engineering , the basic programming factors about serial communication are picked up , which include universal part and individual part .

  27. 以基于摩托罗拉龙珠MC68EZ328处理器的嵌入式开发板为硬件平台,在MIDI文件解码器和PWM驱动程序的基础上,设计并实现了MIDI音乐播放器。

    Taking Motorola Dragon Ball MC68EZ328 processor as the hardware platform and on the basis of MIDI file decoder and PWM driver , MIDI music player has designed and realized .

  28. 超大规模集成电路技术(VLSI)、可编程逻辑器件(FPGA等)和嵌入式开发平台的发展使实时的视频压缩、传输和操控成为可能。

    Common people enjoy the convenience made by the popularization of these standards , while the development of Very Large Scale Integrate circuit ( VLSI ) and Programmable Logic Device ( such as FPGA etc. ) makes real-time video compression and transportation possible .

  29. 并将该安全保护体系应用到嵌入式开发平台AST-2100中,对系统进行了改进。

    And then it applied this security protection architecture to the embedded development platform AST-2100 for solving the security issues of the embedded platform AST-2100 and made improvement for AST-2100 .

  30. 分析了Nano-X开发环境的设计结构和原理,提出了基于事件过滤的输入法服务器设计方案,实现了基于Nano-X嵌入式开发环境的输入法服务器。

    The architecture and principle of nano-X are analyzed and a design method of IM ( input method ) server is presented based on event filtration . Therefore , an IM server based on nano-X is implemented .