
  • 网络Sandbox;sand pool;Sand
  1. 我们在户外玩沙池很开心!

    We are enjoying in playing the sand pool !

  2. 沉沙池设计中修正系数K与恢复饱和系数α计算模型的建立

    Foundation of mathematical mode of modified coefficient K & restoring saturation coefficient a in the design of sand chamber

  3. 采用FX2N-128MR可编程控制器,实现了自来水生产工艺中排泥除砂自动控制系统,介绍了自来水厂沉沙池、反应池和沉淀池的方案设计,硬件组成及软件实现。

    This paper achieved the automatic control of mud-and-sand elimination in waterworks through the use of FX2N-128MR PLC , and introduced project design , hardware composing of the water plant .

  4. 不平衡输沙计算中泥沙起悬量与沉降量的确定&以沉沙池为例

    Determination of suspended sediment picked up from and deposited on BDE

  5. 小型自排沉沙池沉沙工况的水力学特性试验研究

    An Experimental Study of Hydraulic Characteristics on Automatic Flushing Desilting Basin

  6. 粉沙质泥沙沉沙池设计方案的试验研究

    Study on design scheme of sediment tank for silt deposition

  7. 师长教师,从发球台到沙池是一百八十码。

    Sir , to the bunker is one hundred and eighty yards .

  8. 定期冲洗式沉沙池工作段主要尺寸确定

    The Determination of Major Size of Periodic Flushing Desilting Basin

  9. 先生,果岭左右两边都有沙池。

    Sir , there are bunkers on both sides of the green .

  10. 水电水利工程沉沙池设计规范

    Code for design of sand basin of water conservancy and hydropower projects

  11. 渠水滴灌系统漏斗排沙池设计原理与方法研究

    Research on Designing Method and Principle for Sand Funnel of Drip Irrigation

  12. 台湾集集堰沉沙池泥沙浓度与浊度率定关系研究

    Rating relations between suspended sediment concentration and turbidity in Ji-Ji Weir settling tank

  13. 强化沉沙池管理,巩固治理成果。

    And strengthen the management of sand basin and consolidate the managed achievements .

  14. 西南地区土地整理工作中沉沙池设计探讨

    A Study on Sand Basin Design in Land Consolidation in the Southwest Area

  15. 水利工程定期冲洗式沉沙池泄空冲洗计算

    Empty-Flushing Calculation for Periodic-Flush-Type Desilting Basins of Hydraulic Engineering

  16. 提出了一种新型冲洗式沉沙池,并进行了模型试验。

    Thus a new-type continuously scouring basin was proposed .

  17. 沉沙池超饱和输沙法恢复饱和系数研究

    Study on the recovery saturation coefficient of over-saturation sediment transport in settling tanks

  18. 一种新型冲洗式沉沙池的设计研究

    Design study on a new-type scouring sand basin

  19. 溢流槽对定期冲洗式沉沙池沉淀效率的影响分析研究

    Study on effect of spillway trough on deposition efficiency of intermittent scouring sand basins

  20. 引水式电站泥沙的分级处理与涡管排沙式沉沙池

    Sediment treatment by grade and vortex tube settling basin for water diversion power plant

  21. 通过试验表明以水库代替沉沙池是可行的。

    It is pointed out that adopting reservoir instead of sediment basin is feasible .

  22. 晋西黄土区旱井沉沙池结构形式试验设计

    Structural designs and experiments of depositional ponds in the loess region of western Shanxi Province

  23. 旱井集雨系统中沉沙池结构优化研究

    Study on the Excellent Structure of Deposit Pool in the System of Well Storing Rainfall

  24. 胜利油田引黄沉沙池运行方式数学模型分析研究

    A Mathematical Model Study on the Operation Scheme of Settling Basin of Shengli Oil-Producing Field

  25. 水利水电工程沉沙池的运行设计和原型观测

    Talking about Operation Design and Prototype Observation of Desilting Basin of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects

  26. 沉沙池设计中恢复饱和系数α计算模型研究

    Research on the Mathematical Model of Restoring Saturation Coefficient α in the Design of Sand Chamber

  27. 工程实例也表明了逆坡沉沙池具有良好的沉淀效率及冲洗效果。

    Existing practical engineering examples also shown that the back-slope settling basin is of good effects .

  28. 户外设有嬉水池、沙池、塑胶跑道;

    It sets the children 's wading pool , plastic cement race track , sand pool outdoors .

  29. 沉沙池设计中确定泥沙沉降率综合系数α的方法

    A Method for the Determination of Sedimentation Integrated Coefficient α in the Design of Sediment Detention Basin

  30. 采用κε流模型,对沉沙池立面流场进行了数值模拟。

    The κ - ε turbulent model is used to simulate the vertical flow field of settling basin .