
  • 网络Partner Network
  1. 依托AUCOTEC公司遍布全球的合作伙伴网络,ELCAD也在国际上也获得了认可,符合国际标准,且推广了不同的语言版本。

    ELCAD can be obtained internationally through AUCOTEC 's Global Partner Network , conforms to international standards and is available in various language versions .

  2. 这样一来,他们就成为全球致力于保障全球健康合作伙伴网络中的成员。

    In doing so they are part of the global network of partners committed to securing global health .

  3. 我们也拥有业界最大的渠道合作伙伴网络,可以为客户提供增值技术和解决方案。

    We also have the largest network of channel partners in the industry , who offer value-added expertise and solutions .

  4. 同时康柏还拥有全球范围的渠道合作伙伴网络,康柏正与他们联手推出集成的多厂商终身解决方案。

    And we have a worldwide network of channel partners with whom we are working to jointly implement integrated , multivendor lifecycle solutions .

  5. 这些产品通过UCTI的合作伙伴的网络渠道已在全球销售。

    The products are marketed globally through UCTI 's network of distribution partners .

  6. 异地协同设计是未来产品设计的重要手段和工具,不仅将合作伙伴通过网络整合成一体,缩短产品生产周期,而且还提高企业自身的创新能力以适应日益激烈的全球性市场竞争。

    Cooperative product design is a importance tools for product design in future .

  7. Gap将与当地合作伙伴上海奕尚网络信息公司合作,由奕尚处理订单的配送和执行。

    Gap is working with a local partner , Shanghai Yi Shang , which will handle distribution and fulfilment of orders .

  8. 它拥有16种语言以及遍布全球的合作伙伴和贡献者网络。

    It is available in16 languages and has a world network of partners and contributors .

  9. 第二章从物流系统建模、物流合作伙伴选择、物流网络规划和物流敏捷调运等几方面对前人的相关研究成果进行了总结。

    In Chapter 2 , relevant literatures on the logistics systems modeling , logistics partner selection , logistics network planning and agile logistics dispatching are comprehensively reviewed .

  10. 世卫组织及其合作伙伴卫生计量系统网络致力于改善卫生信息系统和增强国家了解重大死亡原因的能力。

    WHO , and its partner the Health Metrics Network , focus on improving health information systems and the ability of countries to track major causes of death .

  11. 最后,在广东移动与合作伙伴共同构建了网络安全态势感知系统,该系统总体上一般包括安全状态数据采集、多源数据融合处理、安全态势生成与评估、安全态势预警四个层次。

    Finally , in Guangdong Mobile and partners to build a network security situational awareness system , which generally include the overall security status of data acquisition , multi-source information fusion , generation and assessment of security situation , the security situation in the four levels of warning .

  12. 柏林人才校园是电影节基于合作精神的众多成果之一,在电影节里举行并可能建立起广阔的创造性的合作伙伴网络。

    One of the many fruits of the festival 's cooperative orientation is the Berlinale Talent Campus , which takes place during the festival and is made possible by a broad network of creative partners .