
  • 网络base course;bearing stratum;supporting course;bearing course;supporting course,bearing course
  1. 路面结构层中基层是主要承重层,它的使用性能直接影响路面的使用质量。

    Pavement structure layer inside base course is usage quantity of main supporting course , its usage direct influence the function pavement .

  2. 路面基层是水泥混凝土路面结构的主要承重层,广东省目前在建的各等级路面基层一般采用水泥稳定碎石结构形式。

    The base course is the mainly supporting layer of cement concrete pavement , which is currently be adopted a cement-stable-crushed stones structure form generally .

  3. 水泥稳定碎石基层,以其水稳性好,早期强度高等优点被应用于高速公路路面基层,起着承重层作用。

    Concrete-bound base has the advantage of good stability and high early strength , which has been applied in the base of expressway surface , playing the role of load-bearing layer .

  4. 我国的沥青路面结构强调以半刚性基层作为承重层,沥青面层主要为功能层,解决沥青路面极限承载力的关键在于解决半刚性层承载力的问题。

    The half-rigid base is considered to be a main bear frame , and the asphalt surface is considered as a functional layer . The key to evaluation of asphalt pavement ultimate bearing capacity is to evaluate the bearing capacity of half-rigid base .