
  • 网络contracted
  1. 第四部分是对承包地征收补偿费分配纠纷的解决提出建议。

    The fourth part presents recommendations for the allocation disputes in contracted land expropriation compensation .

  2. 故承包地征收补偿费用分配纠纷随着社会的发展明显增加。

    Levy contracted land compensation fees for distribution dispute with the development of society increased significantly .

  3. 能影响承包地大调整的因素不多;

    There are not many factors influencing the large-sized adjustment .

  4. 基于高分辨率影像的农村承包地调查研究

    Research on Rural Areas of Land Contracted Surveying Based on High-resolution Image

  5. 农村承包地的合理、健康和有序流转需要一个良好的外部环境。

    The reasonable , healthy and orderly circulation needs a good external environment .

  6. 农村承包地调整制度的社会实证分析

    Social Empirical Analysis of Rural Land Contract Adjustment System

  7. 定性分析与定量分析的有机结合也是本文的主要研究方法,这种方法主要是在研究农村承包地流转存在的问题时使用的比较频繁。

    Qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis machine combination is the main research methods .

  8. 农民进城打工或者经商,会对家乡的承包地会做出一定的策略选择。

    Farmers to the work or business , will make a choice of the ground strategic .

  9. 本部分内容首先对农村承包地流转中动力的内涵与构成进行阐述。

    Firstly , this part discussed the power connotation and constitute of the rural contracted land transferring .

  10. 未经依法批准不得将承包地用于非农建设。

    Without approval granted according to law , no contracted land may be used for non-agricultural development .

  11. 论少数民族习惯法对农村承包地调整的影响

    The Influence of the Customary Laws of Minority Nationalities on the adjustments of the contracted farmland in rural

  12. 因此,在承包地被征收时,土地承包经营权人得不到补偿。

    Therefore , in the contracted land is expropriated , people do not have the contracted management of land compensation .

  13. 建立和健全以及规范各种形式流转的运行机制,为浙江省农村承包地流转实践提供理论依据和具体指导。

    Forming and perfecting all sorts of circulating mechanism to provide the theoretical basis direct the circulation practice in Zhejiang province .

  14. 这部分内容把农村承包地流转中相关配套制度简括为一体两翼。

    This part of the circulation of rural contracted land relative systems summarized as " a body , two wings " .

  15. 创建完善和配套的农村承包地流转法律制度和措施,促进浙江省农村承包地流转的有序、规范和科学;

    Setting up a series of law system and measures to accelerate the circulation become canonical , scientific and in good order .

  16. 农村承包地的生产经营现状及其对策思考&关于江西省952户农户的调研

    Thought about status of production operation of contracted land in rural areas relevant counter measures investigation Studies on 952 agricultural households in Jiangxi Province

  17. 本文在对农村承包地调整的形式、原因进行描述后,利用多元回归模型分析了影响农村承包地调整的因素。

    After describing the type and the reason of the contracted-land adjustment , the author analyzes the factors to influence the land adjustment by multi-regression model .

  18. 农村承包地收回理论的探索与完善以及相关制度的创设与有效实施对于这些问题的解决具有至关重要的作用。

    Theoretical researches of rural land contracted resumption and the construction and effective enforcement of rural land contracted resumption system play an important role in the solution of these issues .

  19. 然而在新的形势下,现行承包地分配机制的弊端在一定程度上阻碍了农业产业结构的改革和调整。

    In the new situation , however , the defects of the current distribution mechanism of contracted land-use have to some extent impeded the reform and adjustment of agriculture structures .

  20. 再次,从农村承包地流转市场机制管理与规范的目标上论述农村承包地使用弱势理论和国家粮食安全战略。

    Once again , from rural contracted land transferring market mechanism of management and regulating target to discussed that rural contracted land use weak theory and the national food security strategy .

  21. 2007年实行的《物权法》进一步规定了如果承包地被征收的,土地承包权人有权获得相应的补偿。

    In 2007 , implement of the property law , if further regulation contracted land is expropriated , who shall have the right to obtain corresponding land contract right of compensation .

  22. 随着农村经济结构的调整和农业产业化进程的加快,农户承包地经营方式有了多样化发展的趋势,土地流转明显加快。

    Accompany with the adjustment of rural economical structure and the quickening of agriculture industrialization , the current of the contract land mode is diversiform and the farmland conversion is obviously expedite .

  23. 该部分内容主要论述市场在资源配置的基础作用,以使农村承包地能按照市场规律的要求流转。

    The main content of this part used the basic role of the market in resource allocation , In order to make rural contracted land can in accordance with market rules requirements transferring .

  24. 农民可以将自己的承包地出租给他人,在地方政府的支持下,一些企业家将租来的土地整合在一起建立了大规模农场。

    Even before the announcement , farmers could lease their land to others , and with the support of local governments , some entrepreneurs have built large-scale farms by combining several leased plots .

  25. 本部分总结了当前实践中解决承包地征收补偿费分配纠纷时存在的观点与方法,并详细分析了存在的问题和不足之处。

    This part summarizes the ideas and methods of the existing practice in resolving the contracted land expropriation compensation fee allocation of dispute , and a detailed analysis of the problems and deficiencies .

  26. 其次,从流转农户福祉的视角,论述农村承包地流转中对农民权益的保障,并对当前盛行的三放弃模式进行评析。

    Then , from the angle of transferring peasant household welfare discussed on farmers ' rights safeguard , At the same time to the current prevalent " three give up " mode are also elucidated .

  27. 在使用权设置上,统一建立集体土地使用权,再根据分类(承包地、集体建设用地、宅基地)进行分类管理,根据不同的土地利用类型确定产权主体和建立不同的实现形式。

    In land use right setting , we should establish collective use rights , and then establish different subjects and realization form according to the classification ( farmland , collective construction land , residential land ) .

  28. 还有,家庭主要成员是否参加新农保、退地后医疗与养老保险预期仅对农户承包地退出意愿有显著的正向影响。

    But whether the principal members of the family to enjoy a new farmers ' insurance , the expectations of medical and pension insurance only have a significant negative effect on farmers ' households returning contracted land .

  29. 伴随着二轮土地承包地展开,农村土地承包经营纠纷问题也随之而来,这些纠纷由何而起,如何解决成为农村工作中的现实问题。

    Along with second-round land contract to expand the rural land contracting and management problems resulting from the dispute , these disputes by what the sky , and how to solve a real problem in rural work .

  30. 同时,土地资源又具有特殊性,特别是农村承包地,其担负着生产、粮食安全、社会保障和农业文化传承功能,单纯地依靠市场机制无法摆脱流转中对经济效益最大化的追逐。

    Meanwhile , land resources has particularity , especially rural contracted , its bearing production , food security , social security and agricultural culture inheritance function , simply rely on market mechanism cannot get rid of economic benefit maximization move in the chase .