
  • 网络organizer
  1. BT模式是由BT承办方进行投融资、建设和移交,BT主办方进行回购并支付回购价款的一种项目融资建设模式。

    BT mode is a financing mode for construction project in which the BT organizer carries out financing , construction and transfer , and then the BT host repurchases the project and pays for it .

  2. 比格文化传播有限公司很荣幸可以成为中国网球协会以及ITF的承办方来运营这次的戴维斯杯的比赛。

    It is without a doubt a tremendous privilege honor for our company , Beijing International Group , to be the management group for the China Tennis Association ITF for Davis Cup in China .

  3. 当时我们的宴席承办方和花匠有点争执我们就在那儿看希望他们能早点解决争端

    we were just watching while the caters argued with the florist right there , hoping them got over pretty quick

  4. 作为本次会议的承办方,我谨代表首钢总公司向大家表示热烈欢迎和诚挚问候!

    As the conference 's sponsor , on behalf of Shougang Group , I wish to express a warm welcome to all guests present with sincere greetings !

  5. 运动员须参与承办方产品的推广活动。这些活动将给承办方带来数百万的收入,但运动员们却一个子儿都不会收到。

    The athletes have to participate in promotional products for the promoter which have the potential to earn millions of dollars with not one cent being given back to the athlete .

  6. 她的成功证明了中国放宽选美比赛限制的政策是正确的,并且给了作为过去连续四年的中国承办方最好的回报。

    Her victory vindicated China 's decision to lift its ban on beauty contests , and pay the organisers of the competition to be allowed to host it for four of the past five years .

  7. 传统上夏季是婚礼的旺季,成本因此也很高。对于婚礼场地、烘焙店、酒席承办方、鲜花店和婚礼策划公司而言,它们的服务在旺季的时候会供不应求,费用自然也会收得更高。

    Traditionally , the demand is high for summer weddings , as are the costs . Venues , bakers , caterers , florists and planners may all charge more during the peak season because their time and services are so stretched .

  8. 根据对政府和承办方追求目标和风险处理原则的分析,确定了本模型分成两个部分:基础价格模型和价格调整方法。

    After analyzing the goals and principals of risk disposal of government and purveyor , it is confirmed that the model is composed of two parts , one is basic pricing model , and the other is the adjustments to basic price .

  9. 然后,通过对两种相亲旅游模式的具体活动进行具体的分析,根据是否有承办方的参与将这两种模式做了进一步的细分,这两种模式都有直接模式和间接模式。

    Then , through specific analyses on the specific activities of the two blind date tourism mode , according to whether have indirect suppliers ' participation will the two modes have been further subdivision ; these two modes will have been divided into direct mode and indirect mode .