
  • 网络Cyprinus carpio var.jian;jian carp;cyprinus carpio
  1. 建鲤遗传特性的研究

    Studies on the hereditary property of Jian Carp

  2. 本文为了探讨建鲤是否可以利用合成蛋氨酸及蛋氨酸对建鲤消化功能和免疫功能影响进行了两个试验。试验一、建鲤对合成蛋氨酸的利用效果;

    Two experiments were conducted to study the effect of methionine on digestion and immune function of juvenile Jian Carp ( Cyprinus carpio Var. Jian ) .

  3. 幼建鲤维生素C需要量标识研究

    Study on the Requirement Index of Vitamin C for Juvenile Jian Carp

  4. 维生素E对幼建鲤生产性能和免疫功能的影响

    Effects of vitamin E levels on productive performance and immune functions in juvenile Jian Carp

  5. 有效微生物制剂(EM)对建鲤生长和水质变化的影响

    Effect of Effective Microorganisms ( EM ) on the Growth of Jian Carp and the Quality of Water

  6. 有效微生物制剂(EM)对建鲤肠道菌群及其蛋白酶和肝胰脏蛋白酶活性的影响

    Effect of Effective Microorganisms ( EM ) on the Bacteria in Intestina tract and Proteas Activity in the Intestine and Hepatopancreas of Jian Carp

  7. 红细胞C_(3b)受体花环率和补体总量(单位/ml),是建鲤>野鲤>镜鲤,差异极显著(F>F0.01)。

    In the sides of erythrocyte C3b receptors-aggregates and the total amount of complements , the rank was jian carp > wild carp > mirror carp at a high significant differences ( F > F0.01 ) .

  8. 建鲤还具有其它许多优良特性,能自繁自育,遗传性状稳定,其主要遗传性状稳定性和一致性可达99%以上,LDH与EST同工酶具有一定的特异性和稳定性。

    As the stability and identity of main hereditary properties for Jian carp had reached above 99 % , this new variety was able to self & reproduction . The LDH and EST of Jian carp had its particular biochemical hereditary properties and stability .

  9. 在日粮蛋白质含量37%条件下,根据生长性能和体成分指标确定23.32-82.92g幼建鲤日粮中甘露寡糖的最适添加水平为300mg/kg。

    On the condition of 37 % dietary protein contented , according to indicators of growth performance and body composition , the 300mg / kg MOS level was best determined in Juvenile Jian Carp ( 23.32-82.92g ) .

  10. 建鲤雌核发育及人工转性的研究

    Studies on Gynogenesis and Artificial Sex Reversal of Jian Carp

  11. 建鲤绿肝病组织病理学研究

    Study on the histopathology of a green liver disease of Jian Carp

  12. 建鲤蛋白质和氨基酸含量较高。

    The protein and amino acid content of Jian carp are also higher .

  13. 淫羊藿多糖的提取及对免疫抑制建鲤免疫调节作用的研究

    The Research of Extraction of Epimedium Polysaccharide and Immunological Regulation on Immune-depressed Carp

  14. 建鲤苗种体长与体重关系数学模型的构建

    Mathematical model construction of the relation between Jian carp , s body length and body weight

  15. ω3UFA与ω6UFA比例对幼建鲤生产性能和免疫功能的影响

    The effect of dietary ratio of ω 3-ufa and ω 6-ufa on performance and immunity in juvenile Jian Carp

  16. 结果表明:与对照组相比,添加甘露寡糖能够提高幼建鲤的生产性能。

    The results showed that : Compared with the control group , adding the MOS will improve the production performance of juvenile Jian carp .

  17. 由于各方面的原因,建鲤进入大面积推广后,在繁育过程仅开展了强度很小的群体选育,导致了建鲤生长性状的个体差异增大。

    Only little intensive mass selection was carried out during the culture after it is extended to all over the country , which result in large differences between individuals .

  18. 本试验主要比较晶体和包被处理的苏氨酸对幼建鲤生长性能,消化吸收功能和免疫功能影响的效果。

    The effects of diet supplementation with crystalline threonine or coated threonine to juvenile Jian carp ( Cyprinus carpio var. Jian ) on growth performance , functions of digestion , absorption and immune was compared in a 60-day experiment .

  19. 在饲料总蛋白水平为33%时,去皮豆粕在体质量为10~35g幼建鲤饲料中替代白鱼粉蛋白的适宜比例为25%。

    In a diet with total protein level of 33 % , DSBM can be used by replacing 25 % of white fish meal protein without negative effect on growth performance of juvenile Jian carp at body weight 10-35 g.