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  • 网络Galvanized Steel Wire;galvanized wire
  1. 缆索用高强度PC镀锌钢丝的研制

    Research and Manufacture of High Strength PC Galvanized Steel Wire for Cables

  2. 介绍桥梁缆索用高强度PC镀锌钢丝的研制与生产情况。

    To introduce research and manufacture and production of high strength PC galvanized steel wire for bridge cables .

  3. 对圆型和S(Z)型绕包镀锌钢丝主要技术参数进行对比,并给出生产工艺和技术要求。

    Main technology parameters between round and S ( Z ) type winding package steel wire are compared , production process and technology requirement are given .

  4. 勾花护栏网采用国家优质低碳镀锌钢丝、PVC包塑钢丝、不锈钢线材、铝合金丝钩编而成。

    Chain Link Fence the use of national high-quality low carbon galvanized steel wire , PVC bag steel wire , stainless steel wire , aluminum alloy wire crochet made .

  5. 4×25Fi高强度镀锌钢丝绳生产

    Production of 4 × 25Fi High Strength Galvanized Steel Wire Rope

  6. 对盘条和钢丝的热处理强化和微合金强化分析后认为,高碳钢盘条添加微量Cr,V元素,通过斯太尔摩冷却可制造1860MPa斜拉索用镀锌钢丝。

    Through analysis of heat treatment and microalloy strengthening of wire rod and steel wire , it is considered that adding a small quantity of Cr , V and stelmor control cooling , 1 860 MPa galvanized wire for inclined drawing cable can be produced .

  7. 该桥主缆由85根Φ54mm镀锌钢丝绳组成,钢丝标准强度1960MPa,主缆由单根连续的钢丝绳绕过全部索鞍后,在梁内通过螺纹连接杆与连接套筒连接形成环型索。

    The main cable is composed of 85 zinc-coated wire ropes with Φ 54 mm and 1960 MPa of standard strength , it , being moved round all the saddles by single continuous wire rope , connects to sleeve through threaded linkage in beam , forming a ring cable .

  8. 电镀锌钢丝锌层均匀性研究

    Uniformity Research on the Zn coat of Zn electroplated Steel Wire

  9. 镀锌钢丝在线测重的研究

    A Research for the Galvanized Iron wire Weight Measuring in Line

  10. 锌粉热镀锌钢丝的试验研究

    An Experimental Study of Steel Wires Galvanized With Molten Zinc Powder

  11. 主缆由高强度镀锌钢丝组成。

    The cables are made of galvanized high strength steel wires .

  12. 桥索用镀锌钢丝生产工艺探讨

    Inquire into Production Process of Galvanizing Steel Wire for Bridge Cable

  13. 高强度棉花打包用镀锌钢丝的生产试制

    Production trial of high strength galvanized steel wire for cotton packaging

  14. 提高热镀锌钢丝合格率的措施

    Measures of Improving the Percent of Pass of Hot-galvanized Steel Wire

  15. 承荷探测电缆用镀锌钢丝的生产

    Manufacture of Galvanized Steel Wire for Loading and Detecting Cable

  16. 热镀锌钢丝浸锌时间对机械性能的影响

    Effects of the Hot-Dip Galvanizing Time on Steel Wire 's Mechanical Properties

  17. 热镀锌钢丝锌层面质量的研究

    Research of Zn-coat Mass of Steel Wire Galvanizing by Dipping

  18. 高强镀锌钢丝疲劳可靠性研究

    Investigation on fatigue reliability of high strength galvanized steel wires

  19. 降低热镀锌钢丝成本的途径

    Methods of Reducing the Cost of Hot - dip Galvanized Steel Wire

  20. 提高桥梁缆索用镀锌钢丝强度途径的探讨

    Approach Discussion Improving Strength of Galvanized Wire for Bridge Cable

  21. 提高热镀锌钢丝质量降低消耗的工艺措施

    Process and measure of improving hot-galvanizing steel wire quality to reduce consumption

  22. 镀锌钢丝先镀后拔工艺的探讨

    The Discussion of the Process of Drawing after Galvanizing for Galvanized Steel Wires

  23. 热镀锌钢丝助镀剂的研究

    Study of Flux For Hot dipping Zinc Steel Wire

  24. 钢塑复合板用镀锌钢丝的研制

    Development of Galvanized Steel Wire for Steel-plastics Compound Plate

  25. 热镀锌钢丝椭圆度的质量控制

    Quality Control of Ellipticity of Hot Galvanizing Steel Wire

  26. GB/T3428-1997钢芯铝绞线用镀锌钢丝

    Galvanized steel core wires for aluminium cable steel reinforced

  27. 桥梁缆索用热镀锌钢丝的性能要求与加工工艺

    Property requirement and production process of hot-dip galvanizing steel wire for bridge cables

  28. 定尺生产热镀锌钢丝

    Production of the Hot-galvanized Steel Wire Cut to length

  29. 镀锌钢丝与锌基合金复合的界面特征

    Interface Characteristic of Galvanized Steel Wires and Zinc-metrix Alloy

  30. 硫锌&30在轧扁用镀锌钢丝生产中的应用

    Use of S Zn & 30in Production of Galvanizing Steel Wire for Flatting