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  1. 对小沙湾黄河大桥主桥箱梁C55混凝土配合比和施工工艺进行了研究,重点分析了山砂对混凝土性能的影响。

    This paper researches the mix ratio of C55 concrete and construction technology of Xiaoshawan Bridge box girder , especially the influence of hill sand on concrete performances .

  2. 通过对兰州小西湖黄河大桥、汾柳高速公路离石高架桥两座矮塔斜拉桥施工,阐述矮塔斜拉桥索塔施工的控制要点。

    Combined with the construction practice , the paper discussed the control of pony tower cable-stayed bridge pylon construction .

  3. 较详细地介绍了兰州小西湖黄河大桥工程的工程概况、主桥及互通式立交的设计等内容。

    This paper introduces the outline , main bridge and interchanges of Xiaoxihu Yellow River Bridge Project in Lanzhou .

  4. 小沙湾黄河大桥地处内蒙古,当地难以找到符合标准的砂和碎石,所选用的山砂含泥量比较高,对混凝土的工作性能和早期强度有较大的影响。

    The mud content of hill sand is higher than standard sand , which has large influence on working performances and the early strength of concrete .

  5. 连续小水对山东黄河河道的影响及对策

    Effect and countermeasure of continuous small discharge to the channel of Yellow River in Shandong