
xiǎo kuò hào
  • parentheses;curves
  1. 小括号强制解析器把其中的内容看作表达式。

    Parentheses force the parser to interpret the content as an expression .

  2. 括号:一对用来包括文字、数字等的符号。括号有小括号、中括号、角括号和大括号。

    Brackets : Pairs of marks used for enclosing words , figures , etc. These are Parentheses , Square brackets , Angle brackets and Brace .

  3. 小括号中的文字表示参数的默认值。

    Bracketed text indicates a parameter 's default value .

  4. 这里我省略了小括号。

    So , I 'm dropping the parentheses .

  5. 如果你们还想见到它的话,我就在这里加上,方便你们理解它的意义,但实际上,通常我们不会加小括号的。

    But , if you still want to see them , I 'm going to put that in very thin so that you see what it means . But , actually , the convention is we won 't put this parentheses in there anymore .

  6. 结果表明,多数被试可以通过样例学会小括号和中括号四则混合运算规则,但多数被试难以学会无括号四则混合运算规则;

    As a result , most of pupils could learn the rules of the four fundamental admixture operations of arithmetic with brackets by worked examples , but the number of pupils could learn the rules of the four fundamental admixture operations of arithmetic without brackets wasn 't significant ;

  7. 一些差异相对来说很小,比如圆括号代替了尖括号;而另一些则是针锋相对的。

    Some of the differences are relatively trivial parentheses instead of angle brackets , for example while others are ambivalent .