
  1. 嵩山风景名胜区正是凭借其浓厚的文化底蕴、独一无二的历史建筑群落和优美秀丽的自然景观吸进了国内外学者和游客的频繁驻足和留恋。

    By virtue of its rich cultural heritage , unique historic buildings and beautiful natural scenery , Songshan Scenic Area has attracted domestic and foreign scholars and tourists .

  2. 另外,通过对嵩山风景名胜区的实例考察和分析,希望能对该景区申遗成功之后的环境保护引起重视,进一步推动立法力度,使得这一文化遗产和自然景观更加源远流长。

    More importantly , through the investigation and analysis of Songshan Scenic area , great attention will be paid on environmental protection of Songshan Scenic Area after the success of world heritage application . To further promote legislative intensity will enrich and strengthen the cultural heritage and natural scenery .