
  • 网络Songming County
  1. 嵩明县生态环境的初步评价及优化对策

    Preliminary Estimate of Ecological Environment of Songming County and Measures to Optimize

  2. 嵩明县森林资源管护的难点及良化对策

    Study of Tough Problems and Strategies for Improving Forest Resource Management of Songming County

  3. 环境承载力分析方法在嵩明县工业布局规划中的应用

    Environmental Carrying Capacity Analysis and Its Application in Environmental Protection and Distribution of Industry in Songming County

  4. 24岁的农民李彦博住在距昆明60公里的嵩明县李关村。

    Li , a24-year-old farmer , lives in Liguan village , Songming county & about60km away from Kunming .

  5. 云南省四营煤矿位于云南省嵩明县境内,环境优越,气候怡人。

    Yunnan Province , Yunnan Province , located in four operating mines Songming County , environmental advantages and pleasant climate .

  6. 山村苗族少年儿童教育现状影响因素分析&以云南嵩明县一个苗族村的少年儿童为例

    An Analysis of Factors Affecting Present Education of Miao Adolescents in Mountain Areas & A Case Study of Adolescents of a Miao Village in Songming County of Yunnan Province

  7. 京郊露地菜田土壤硝酸盐累积及阻控对策嵩明县露地栽培大白菜播期与密度试验初报

    Nitrate Accumulation and Related Control Strategies in the Open-Field Vegetable Production of Beijing Suburb ; Preliminary Report of Trail on Sowing Date and Plant Density in Peking Cabbage in Songming

  8. 对生长于云南省嵩明县的川八角莲植株及其根际土壤进行了内生真菌与根际真菌的分离.结果共获得内生真菌29株,分别属于2科4属;

    After separating the fungus between the roots of dysosma veitchii and inside the fruits of the plant growing in Songming county , Yunnan province , the experiences show that there are 29 fungus plants ;

  9. 昆明市安宁、晋宁和嵩明三县新型农村合作医疗运行状况研究

    The Study on Operation of New Rural Cooperative Medical System in Three Counties Anning , Jinning , Songming , Kunming City