
  1. 小蚕期打孔薄膜覆盖育对蚕室湿度要求的商讨

    Discussion on the Requirement for Temperature during Rearing Young Silkworm with Holed Film

  2. 调查结果表明,在自然状态下,野蚕的自然淘汰主要发生在小蚕期,尤其是一龄期。

    The results showed that natural elimination mainly took place at younger period , especially at first instar .

  3. 小蚕期个体形体特征的研究

    Studies on the Body Characteristics of Silkworm , Bombyx mori at the Earlier Larval Stage Little Drops of Water

  4. 颗粒饲料的加水量与蚕的生长发育有很大关系,小蚕期适宜加水量为饲料干重的1.8倍,大蚕期为1.6倍。

    There was a remarkable relation between water amount and growth and development . The suitable amount of water was 1.8 times when rearing young silkworm with pellet artificial diet , and it was 1.6 times when rearing growth silkworm .