
cán nóng
  • silkworm raiser;sericulturist
蚕农 [cán nóng]
  • [sericulturist] 以养蚕为业的人

蚕农[cán nóng]
  1. 研究表明:蚕农和蚕茧收购加工企业纵向合作关系的形成动因在于稳定渠道、增加效益、规避风险。

    The study shows that the causes for formation of the vertical cooperative relationship between silkworm raiser and cocoon acquisition and processing enterprise lie in the stable channels , increasing benefits and avoidance of risks .

  2. 为了响应国家和自治区的政策,提高蚕农的收入,提高蚕种的存活率及蚕茧的质量,我区开始兴建自动化蚕种培育室。

    In response to national and regional policies to improve sericulturist income , improve the survival rate of silkworm and cocoon quality , I had started the construction of automated silkworm cultivation room .

  3. 增加生产成本虽然可以提高产量,但会减少桑树种植规模和蚕农收益;

    And that increase of cost increased cocoon yield , but impaired mulberry planting acreage and farmer 's income .

  4. 认为,养蚕业虽然是蚕农的主要收入来源之一,但如今面临诸多困境。

    It finds out that although the sericulture is one of the serigrowers ' incomes , but it confronts with a lot of difficulties .

  5. 采用省力化养蚕技术,降低蚕茧生产成本中人工费用对于提高蚕农收益,促进蚕丝业发展具有重要意义。

    So it is important for the sericultural farmer to adopt silkworm rearing techniques for saving labour and reducing the labour cost of production cost .

  6. 强化服务功能,开展全方位、多形式、系列化服务,切实当好蚕农发展高效蚕业的参谋。

    Strengthen the service function , carry out all-round , multi-form , serialized service , effective and efficient development of sericulture as a good sericulturist the staff .

  7. 丝绸行业的发展关系着全省生产、出口企业及数百万蚕农的切身利益。

    The development of silk industry is closely related to the benefits of enterprises that produce , export silk and millions of Seri culturists in the whole province .

  8. 蚕农面临小生产与大市场流通的矛盾十分突出,各经营主体间的关系协调越来越难。

    Silkworm raisers are confronted with much more prominent contradiction between the small production and large market circulation and it becomes harder and harder to coordinate the relationship among all operating entities .

  9. 在混合治理稳定的条件下,蚕茧质量得到提高,而且能够稳定在一个高水平上。蚕农的收益增加,情绪稳定,对产业前景乐观。

    Under the circumstance that Hybrids is stable , cocoon quality is improved and maintains at a high level , peasants benefits improve , moods are stable and optimistic about silk industry future .

  10. 尝试建立蚕茧风险规避体系,积极探索建立蚕桑生产农业保险,减少市场风险,切实保护蚕农利益,巩固蚕桑产业基础。

    Attempt to establish a cocoon of risk aversion system , and actively explore the establishment of sericulture production of agricultural insurance , reduce market risk , protect sericulturist interests , consolidate the basis of sericulture industry .

  11. 但与日本等发达国家相比,由于蚕茧的经济性状差造成我国的生丝质量普遍不高,严重影响了蚕农和国家的经济利益。

    But because of the low economy character , the quality of most of the raw silk is poor in our country compared to developed countries such as Japan , which decreases the economic profit of sericulturists and our country .

  12. 研究表明:蚕农参与纵向合作的意愿主要受蚕农的受教育年限、饲养规模、投入品来源、蚕茧销售方式、与收购加工企业签订合同5个因素的影响。

    The study shows that silkworm raisers ' willingness to take part in vertical cooperation is mainly subject to influence of the five factors , i.e. education years , feeding scale , inputs source , cocoon sales model and contract-signing .

  13. 解决好茧丝绸价格波动和传递的问题对于了解茧丝市场运行法则,协调蚕农和企业利益,增强政府干预的针对性和有效性和解决我国三农问题具有重大的理论和现实意义。

    Solving the problem of price fluctuations and price transitive is major theoretical and practical significant for understanding the law of the operation of the market , coordinating silkworm raisers and enterprises , enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of government intervention .

  14. 依托目前现有的40多个蚕桑后加工企业的和龙头企业的带动,规范蚕桑产业合作社,实施公司+蚕农合作社+农户的茧丝绸产业化发展模式。

    Relying on more than 40 currently available sericulture and post-processing enterprises , driven by leading enterprises , standardize the sericulture industry , cooperatives , implementation of the Cocoon and Silk Industry Development Model " company + sericulturist cooperative + farmer " .

  15. 形成政府投入为导向,需求投入为依托,蚕农和集体投入为主体的多元投入新机制,为发展优质原料茧生产和发展优势蚕桑业提供坚实的保障。

    The formation of government investment-oriented , relying on input demand , sericulturist and collective input into the new pluralistic as the main mechanism , provide a solid guarantee for the development of high quality raw material cocoon production and development of sericulture industry strengthes .

  16. 鼓励和支持缫丝企业、桑蚕制种场、蚕桑科研单位建立生产基地,实行配套服务,发展缫丝企业+农户、蚕桑部门+农户的连接模式,切实保护蚕农利益。

    Encourage and support the reeling enterprises , silkworm seed farm , sericulture research institutes to establish production bases , the implementation of support services , develop the connection mode of " enterprise + farmers reeling , sericulture sector + farmers ", the effective protection of sericulturist interests .