
  • 网络reed bed;Reed marshes
  1. 净化机理为,在水位(势)发生变化时,由于芦苇根孔的存在,可使水在陆地和水体之间自由交换至4-8米,从而大大增强了苇地系统的净化效率。

    The purification mechanism of ecotone indicates that the root channels can freely exchange the water between land and water body as far as 4-8 m when the lake water level fluctuates , which considerably increases the purification efficiency by reed bed system .

  2. 室内芦苇和小麦原状土柱(0-100cm)的污水净化实验结果表明,苇地土柱的净化能力大于麦地土柱,以对磷的净化最大。

    The results of laboratory work of sewage purification from reed soil column ( RSC ) ( 0-100 cm ) and wheat soil column ( WSC ) showed that the efficiency of purification to sewage , in RSC , is high than in WSC , especially for phosphorus .

  3. 本模型从系统的状态方程出发,体现了系统随时间变化的动态模拟,特别是在模拟苇地分室的有机物积累规律方面较其他模型显示了一定的优势。

    The branch model is of dynamic simulation , and it is preponderant in imitating the trend of organic pollutants accumulation in reed field .

  4. 染料示踪和苇地入渗率实验均表明湿地根孔导水迅速,可为氮磷等污染物提供传输、吸附、转化界面。

    The dye tracer experiment and hydraulic conductivity determination consistently show that the wetland root channels can quickly transport water to far distance within ecotones and consequently provide the transport , adsorption and transformation interface for pollutants such as nitrogen and phosphorus .

  5. 结合《小雅·宾之初筵》和《大雅·行苇》比较完整地再现了当时饮酒的全过程,并深入分析了《诗经》中所体现的乡饮酒礼和燕礼。

    With " Bin the beginning of the feast ," and the " reed " was more complete representation of the whole process of drinking and blessing , and in-depth analysis of the " Book of Songs " as reflected in this ritual , and Yan Li .

  6. 通过造纸尾水灌溉海涂苇田的盆栽实验和苇地田间实验,考察了造纸尾水对芦苇生长及生态环境的影响。

    This article investigates the influence of papermaking wastewater on reed growth and zoology environment by making experiment on potted plant and field irrigated by papermaking wastewater .