
  1. 建构主义学习理论在课程设计中的应用&古建筑模型制作之斗拱完成的实践教学环节

    Constructivism Theories Applied in Curriculum Design : Practical Teaching Step of Bucket Arches in Ancient Building Model Making

  2. 利用车载激光扫描测量技术完成地形图修测、三维场景重建、建筑模型制作以及工程测量等任务,是近年来激光扫描测量技术应用研究的一个重要方向。

    To complete Map Revision , 3D-Scene Rebuilding , Construction Modeling , Engineer Survey and other missions by using the vehicle laser-scanning technology is the important direction of research .

  3. 本文主要介绍了三维场景模型制作的一般过程,重点介绍了建筑模型制作的优化技术以及如何正确处理纹理贴图。

    This paper mainly introduces the general process of how to build the model of the three-dimensional scene , emphases on the optimal technology of how to build the architecture model , as well as how to correctly deal with texture mapping .

  4. 详细讨论了哈尔滨工程大学虚拟校园中三维建筑模型的制作方法及过程。

    Discuss several manufacture methods and processes in making three dimensional construction models to make the Harbin Engineering University Virtual Campus .

  5. 三维建筑模型的动画制作和播放软件,由建研科技完成。

    Animation production and play software for3-dimentsonal building models was developed by CABR Technology Co. , Ltd.

  6. 面对灾难&赈灾临时庇护所建筑概念探讨和模型制作

    Face to Disaster-The discussion of the concept of the Temporary Shelter for victims in disaster and model making