
  • 网络Jianshe Road;construction road;Construction of Road
  1. 营造城市活力街区&以唐山市中心区建设路城市设计为例

    Building City 's Vitality District : Taking Urban Design of Jianshe Road in Tangshan Central Area for Example

  2. 近年来,JOD公司为了适应市场经济下的残酷竞争形势,一直在寻求着适合自己的团队建设之路。

    In recent years , JOD has been seeking a suitable way of team building in order to adjust to the fierce competition of market economy .

  3. 信息化:新农村建设之路

    Informatization : the Road of Building a New Socialist Countryside

  4. 食品科学与工程专业国家级特色专业建设之路

    Construction of National Characteristic Specialty for Food Science and Engineering

  5. 突出特色探索环境工程课程建设新路

    A New Way for the Construction of Environmental Engineering Curriculum

  6. 中国建设之路的理论基础

    The theoretical base of the way of China 's construction

  7. 从中国制造到中国创造的品牌建设之路

    The Way From Made-in-China To Created-in-China : Brand Building

  8. 中国旅游法制建设之路

    Reviewing and Prospecting of Legal Construction for Chinese Tourism

  9. 论高等职业技术教育的特色建设之路

    On the characteristic of the higher professional technology education

  10. 美军的系统集成建设之路

    The Path of System Integrated Infrastructure of US Army

  11. 天津新港船厂的信息化建设之路

    The experience of TianJin XinGang Shipyard in informationization

  12. 普通高校图书馆建设之路

    The construction model of library for ordinary university

  13. 教育技术学科建设之路

    Road of disciplinary construction of educational technology

  14. 中国农业现代化建设之路

    The road of Chinese agricultural modernization establishment

  15. 论欠发达地区政府主导型小城镇建设之路

    Analysing the Construction Way of the Towns of the Local Government Dominated in the Undeveloped Area

  16. 现代化文明图书馆建设之路探索&南山图书馆建馆五年来发展历程

    Probing into the Construction of a Modern Civilized Library & The Process of Nanshan Library 's Development

  17. 走规范化数字化医院建设之路&数字化医院IT治理探讨

    Go on the road of standardizing and digitized hospital management ∶ probe into it administration of digitized hospital

  18. 依附、借鉴、创新?&中国高等教育学科建设之路

    Dependency , Reference , Innovation ? & The Road to Constructing the Discipline of China 's Higher Education

  19. 城市扩大、业建设、路建造,都在蚕食着作物用地。

    Urban expansion , industrial construction , and highway construction are all shrinking the land available for crops .

  20. 以德宏州为例,旨在探讨一条边疆少数民族地区地方财源建设之路。

    Taking Dehong prefecture as an example , this paper aims to probe a way into the financial construction in minority border areas .

  21. 本次演讲主要从全球国家宽带项目进展来反观中国的国家宽带建设之路。

    The lecture mainly views from the global progress of the national broadband project and suggests on how to build China 's national broadband .

  22. 中国数字电视应走有线与无线同步发展城市与农村一体建设之路

    Digital TV Industry in China Should Take the Road to Integrative Construction of Urban and Rural Area , on Which Cable Develops with Wireless in Step

  23. 在学习和借鉴新加坡的经验时,要注意坚持走有中国特色的公务员队伍建设之路。

    While we learn and use the experience of Singapore for reference , we must stick to the building of the civil servant contingent with the Chinese feature .

  24. 在政府试图解决三农问题的同时,民间也在不断的探索实践着乡村建设之路。

    The government has been trying to resolve the Rural Issues . At the same time , civil organization has been to explore the way on rural construction .

  25. 这就促使我们不得不追根溯源,从社会的内因层面去寻求社会主义政治文明建设之路。

    This impels us to have to trace to its source . Go to seek the way of socialist political civilization construction from the internal cause aspect of the society .

  26. 广州市通过建设快捷路进行有限的投入,使道路获得了较大的通行能力,在使用中获得了良好的效果。

    Guangzhou City makes the limited investment through the construction of express roads so as to obtain larger capacity of the roads and get the good effect in the use .

  27. 本文最终提出了上海必须走人口、社会、经济、资源、环境协调的生态城市建设之路,这也是上海城市可持续发展的必然之路的论断。

    The passage offers conclusion that Shanghai should step on the way by adjusting population , society , economy , resources and environment . This way of ecological construction is necessary to the sustainable development in Shanghai .

  28. 阐述了地方本科院校图书馆的办馆定位、与当地政府合作办馆及管理模式、数字化图书馆建设之路等几方面问题,对该类型图书馆的发展提出了自已的看法。

    This article has been explained running orientation , cooperating with local government , management mode and construction of digital library , then , the author puts forward some views on the development of this type library .

  29. 蓬勃的发展之势显示出保障性住房建设之路的生机盎然,然而,在建设量如此巨大的情况下,需要合理的建设标准来规范保障性住房的建设。

    The vigorous development of the indemnificatory housing shows the path of vitality , however , in building such a huge volume of cases , a reasonable construction standard to regulate the construction of indemnificatory housing is needed .

  30. 辅警的理论和实践是现代警务机制的重要组成部分,我们必须认真加以研究,走出一条有中国特色的辅警队伍建设之路。

    The theory and practice of the assistant police is the important part of modern policing system , so we must research on it in earnest and blaze a way in constructing the assistant police with Chinese characteristics .