
  • 网络build a bridge;bridge building;bridge construction;Building Bridges
  1. 建桥后桥墩起一定阻水作用,涨落潮时桥位下游流速均存在减小的趋势,而且岸边正好位于桥墩的密集区域,流速减小更为明显,这一区域流速值的减小范围在0.28m/s以内。

    As the result of water will be blocked by piers after bridge building , the velocities at downstream of bridge site have decreased tendency and more obviously near the river bank , the range of velocities decreased were less than 0.28m/s .

  2. 建桥对河流洲边滩的影响

    Influences of bridge building on bottomland evolution in rivers

  3. 有几家公司正在投标争取承包建桥工程。

    Several companies are bidding for the contract to build the bridge .

  4. 介绍了复合材料(FRP)在建桥(如步道桥、公路桥、公路桥地板等)及FRP片材在修补加固桥梁方面的应用。

    Introduced the FRP applications in bridge construction ( Example , FRP walk bridge 、 FRP road bridge and FRP floors of road bridge ) and bridge strengthening by FRP sheets .

  5. 建桥工程可于八至十年内回本。

    The project could recover investment eight to10 years after completion .

  6. 现在这条河上已经是第三次建桥。

    Now the river has been bridged for the third time .

  7. 它可大大减少建桥现场组装的时间,降低建造成本,节约维修费用,使用寿命长。

    It reduces building and maintenance costs and promises a longer lifespan .

  8. 湖上正在顺利建桥。

    The building of the bridge on the lake is progressing smoothly .

  9. 钱塘江河口建桥对涌潮的影响分析

    Research on Influence of the Bridge Engineering on Tidal Bore in Qiantang Estuary

  10. 武汉长江二桥建桥技术的主要成就

    Outstanding Technical Achievements in Building of the Second Changjiang River Bridge in Wuhan

  11. 建桥后,桥墩局部冲刷与一般冲积河流不同。

    Its local sour at bridge pier is different from that of alluvial channels .

  12. 建桥对钱塘江涌潮高度影响的试验研究

    Experimental study on influence of building bridge to tidal bore height in Qiantang River

  13. 可以想象他们被逼着在这样的条件下建桥的情景。

    Imagine being forced to build that in the condition they must be in .

  14. 他们许多曾做过水手和建桥工人,习惯于在高处工作

    Many were sailors and bridge workers , so they 're used to heights .

  15. 钢筋混凝土桥梁在我国已建桥梁中占有相当大的比例。

    Reinforced concrete bridge occupies a large percentage of the existing bridges in our country .

  16. 但是,小罗柏林在桥附近的家中继续指导建桥。

    Still , Roebling continued to direct the construction from his home near the bridge .

  17. 它是世界建桥史上的一项创举和奇迹。

    It is the world 's bridge construction history of an innovation and a miracle .

  18. 青岛海湾大桥工程建桥方案设计研究

    Design Solution of Qingdao Gulf Bridge

  19. 建桥后,由于桥位断面压缩而导致的壅水与一般冲积河流不同。

    Its backwater , due to bridge constrictions , is different from that of alluvial channels .

  20. 那你会在哪里建桥?

    Where would you build it ?

  21. 杭州湾建桥后沪甬两港竞争力变化分析

    The changes to port competitiveness of Shanghai and Ningbo with the availability of Hangzhou Bay Bridge

  22. 然而,在改革开放初期,修路建桥并非一件容易的事情。

    However , in the reform and opening up , the road bridge construction is not easy .

  23. 某个建桥工人群体确实可以比其它群体获到更多就业机会。

    It is true that a particular group of bridge workers may receive more employment than otherwise .

  24. 运用最新的建桥技术,斯特劳斯和他的队伍取得了进展。3.:电话中

    Eg. Using the latest bridge building technology , Strauss and his team started to make headway .

  25. 门巴族擅长建桥,以门巴木桥和藤网桥著名。

    Being skilled in building bridges , they are famous for the construction of wooden and rattan bridges .

  26. 能在很长一段时间内起作用的。建桥工作用了半年的时间。

    Active over a long period of time . The work of building the bridge took six months .

  27. 泰晤士河面足够宽广,能够容纳船只停泊;同时河水较浅,使得建桥横跨其上较为容易。

    The river was wide enough for ships to dock but shallow enough to make it easy to bridge .

  28. 在这种河流上建桥,水中基础是关键。

    When a bridge is built over such a river , the foundation under water is our first concern .

  29. 过了一会儿,县政府派驻建桥的一位代表前来看我。

    Shortly afterward , a representative of the county government who was posted here at Chienchao came to visit me .

  30. 金塘大桥桥轴线优化及建桥对水流和航道的影响

    Optimization of the Jintang Bridge 's axis and the influence of the bridge on the water flow and navigation channel