
  • 网络Domestic transportation;local traffic
  1. 安吉登峰竹制品厂位于著名的竹乡安吉,境内交通十分优越。

    Anji Dengfeng Bamboo Products Factory in the famous town of Anji , the traffic situation is extremely advantageous .

  2. 嘉兴是浙北的交通枢纽,境内交通便捷,公路、铁路、航空、海运和内河航运四通八达。

    Jiaxing is the transportation junction in northern Zhejiang province , accessible from all directions with convenient highways , railways aviation and water transportation .

  3. 沪杭甬高速公路、320国道横穿境内,交通十分便利。

    With Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway and No.320 National Highway across our territory , our transportation conditions are very convenient .

  4. 吐鲁番地区是新疆境内南北交通和东西交通的交汇点,从古至今都是新疆多元文化交汇的地带。

    Turpan is north-south and east-west traffic in Xinjiang region . Early from ancient times , it is the multi-cultural area in Xinjiang .

  5. StevenWang说,拟议中的协议涉及更多与政府分享有关司机和乘客的信息,要求所有数据服务器落户中国境内,要求交通敏感数据上传至监管机构,且不得转移到境外。

    Mr Wang said the proposed agreement involved greater sharing of information on drivers and passengers with the government , mandating that all data servers had to be stationed in China and transportation sensitive data must be " uploaded to regulators " and could not be transferred abroad .

  6. 浅谈高速公路交通工程设施的检测丹拉国道主干线(内蒙古境内)沿线交通工程设施设置探讨

    The Detection of Expressway Engineering Facilities of Communications Discussion on the layout of traffic facilities along the National Trunk Highway from Dandong to Lasa

  7. 目前,山西省煤炭超载运输已成为山西省境内公路破坏和交通事故的主要原因。

    Now , the overloaded transportation of coal becomes the main reason of the road damage and the traffic accident in Shanxi .

  8. 本文依据历史文献的记载,参考现代大比例尺地形图显示的区域自然地理面貌,探讨北宋使臣在辽国境内经行的交通路线;

    This paper according to the historical literatures and consult with the modern topographic maps on large scale , in order to discuss the traffic routes of the Song Dynasty envoys to the Liao Dynasty by the view of geography and toponomy .