
chǎn fù
  • lying-in woman;delivery woman;puerpera;puerperant
产妇 [chǎn fù]
  • [lying-in woman] 称临近分娩至分娩后不久这一期间的妇女

产妇[chǎn fù]
  1. 产妇产后两小时护理服务需求调查

    Need of two hours nursing service after delivery for lying-in woman

  2. 170对新生儿与产妇全血微量元素含量的研究

    Whole Blood Trace Element Content Study of 170 Pair Newborn and Lying-in Woman

  3. 样本是高雄地区129位产后六周的产妇接受问卷调查。

    A descriptive correlational method of investigation was implemented .

  4. 随着人们日益重视对产妇和新生婴儿的照顾,月嫂的需求量和收入自然也就水涨船高。

    With an increasing awareness matrons see a growth in demand and income .

  5. 产妇阴道B群链球菌调查报告

    A Survey on the Colonization with Group B Streptococci in Pregnant Women

  6. 101对新生儿、产妇细小病毒B(19)感染的研究

    Human Parvovirus B_ ( 19 ) Infection of 101 Pairs of Newborn Perinatal

  7. 针刺对分娩活跃期产妇血中P物质含量的影响

    The effect of acupuncture on the content of substance P in serum of gravida during delivery

  8. HPLC法测定剖腹产妇乳汁中甲硝唑的含量

    Determination of metronidazole in milk of cesarean women by HPLC

  9. 产妇B组涂片见有白细胞内外革兰阴性双球菌者11例(9.2%);

    Gram-negative diplococcus was found in the samples from 11 ( 9.2 % ) Group B mothers . Intracellular Gram-negative diplococcus was also seen .

  10. 经剖宫产结束分娩的CHD产妇围手术期感染几率高于对照组。

    The infection ratio of pregnancy complicating CHD women is higher than control after caesarean section .

  11. 剖宫产术前应用地塞米松对产妇及胎儿SOD和LPO水平的影响

    Effects of Dexamethasone Administered to Parturients Cesarean Section on Maternal and Fetal SOD and LPO Levels

  12. 探讨乙肝病毒不同携带形式产妇的新生儿通过母乳、脐血感染HBV的危险性。

    To study the risk of infecting HBV for neonate whose mother carried HBV in different way through colostrum and cord blood .

  13. 方法:对正常年龄孕妇及高龄初产妇分别在孕中期、孕晚期测定孕妇静脉血及新生儿出生后脐血血清的胰岛素及C肽值。

    Methods : The contents of C-peptid and insulin in maternal and umbilical cored vein of the old and young age pregnant women in the second and third trimester were measured .

  14. 结果产妇HCV感染率为274%(28/1023);

    Results The incidence of HCV infection was 2 74 % ( 28 / 1023 ) in pregnant women .

  15. 实验组产妇剖宫产率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(p0.05)。

    The cesarean section rate of experimental groups was higher than the control groups , difference was statistically significant ( p0.05 ) . 3 .

  16. 方法将120例产妇分为四组:Ⅰ组为HANS组;

    Methods 120 pregnant women were divided into 4 groups : Group ⅰ with HANS ;

  17. 抗氧化药物对妊娠高血压综合征产妇和胎儿SOD及LPO的影响

    Influence of anti-oxidant on superoxide dismutase and lipid peroxide in fetus and parturient with hypertension of pregnancy undergoing Cesarean section

  18. 结果(1)COX-2在3组产妇的羊膜上皮细胞、绒毛膜细胞和蜕膜细胞的胞质中均有表达。

    Results ( 1 ) The immunoreactivity of COX-2 was found in the amniotic epithelial cells , chorion cells and decidual cells .

  19. 对124例以不同方式分娩的产妇进行了产后24h血清促乳素浓度的放免测定。

    Prolactin in serum was measured with radioimmunoassay . The serum was drawn separately from 124 women 24 hours after their labor .

  20. 新式剖宫产术后实施PCIA镇痛产妇的护理

    Nursing care of puerperas accepted PCIA analgesia after underwent new way of cesarean section

  21. 方法应用时间分辨荧光分析法(DELFIA)测定福州市110例分娩的产妇全血及新生儿足跟血TSH、T4含量。

    Methods With DELFIA technique the TSH of 110 pregnant women and their newborns were tested .

  22. 结果产妇中UU的感染率为10%,母婴间垂直传播率为35.71%(10例)。

    Results UU infected rate wass 10 % among pregnant women ; the vertical propagation rate between mother and baby was 35.71 % ;

  23. 初产妇325例,53例子宫内有残留物,发生率为13.14%,两者比较,产后宫腔内有残留物的经产妇显著多于初产妇(P<0.01)。

    Intrauterine residue were found in 49 out of 129 multiparas ( with incidence rate of 32.56 % ), and 53 out of 325 primiparas ( 13.14 % ), the former being significantly higher than the later ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 死胎脐带组织中HBV-DNA表达与产妇血清中HBV复制状态无关。

    But the expression of HBV-DNA in the umbilical cord tissues of the died fetus is not related with the HBV replication status in the pregnant woman veins .

  25. 作者通过对120例足月正常产妇,产后1~6d初乳内免疫球蛋白水平的检测,进一步阐明初乳的优点及初乳对新生儿健康的重要性。

    The immunoglobulin level of colostrum was assayed 1 ~ 6 days after childbirth in 120 normal lying-in women .

  26. 取脐血及产妇产前空腹静脉血,分别测定血25(OH)D3、血磷和血骨特异性碱性磷酸酶(BALP);

    Blood was collected for every subject to measure the serum 25 ( OH ) D3 , phosphorus concentration and bone alkaline phosphatase ( BALP ) activity .

  27. 早产产妇UU感染率随着早产儿出生体重的降低而明显增高(P<0.01)。结论解脲脲原体通过感染胎盘引起胎盘绒毛膜羊膜炎,并导致早产,是孕妇早产的危险因素之一。

    Conclusion This study confirms that UU infection may be a risk factor for preterm birth , which may be associated with chorioamnionitis caused by UU infection .

  28. 目的比较产妇分娩时舒芬太尼或芬太尼混合罗哌卡因病人自控硬膜外镇痛(PCEA)的效应。

    Objective To compare the efficacy of sufentanil and fentanyl in combination with ropivacaine for patient controlled epidural analgesia ( PCEA ) during labor .

  29. 目的研究不同状态的产妇乳汁中分泌型IgA(SIgA)含量,为预防新生儿感染提供实验依据。

    Objective To evaluate the secretory immunoglobulin A ( SIgA ) content in the latex of the lying-in women at different conditions and to prevent the infection of newborns .

  30. 方法:分析1146例足月、单胎、头位分娩的产妇产程中CST评分和异常胎儿监护图形。

    Methods : To analyse the CST score and abnormal types of fetal heart rate patterns in 1 146 cases of singleton term pregnancy with head delivery .