
  • 网络Property Hotel;timesharing;Condo Hotel
  1. 策划及管理中国首家产权式酒店的管理公司

    The Strategic Planner & Management of the First Property Hotel in China

  2. 产权式酒店经营与发展浅析

    Analysis of the Property Hotel Management and Development

  3. 投资理财新视野&产权式酒店

    Property-Type Hotels-New Visual Field for Making Investments and Handling Financial Affairs

  4. 产权式酒店开发经营模式新论

    New theory on equity style hotel development and management mode

  5. 第二部分为产权式酒店法律关系的结构。

    The second part is the structure of the hotel property legal relationship .

  6. 其次,就产权式酒店在销售经营阶段涉及的主要法律关系进行了分析。

    Secondly , it analyzes the main legal relationship of property type hotel .

  7. 对长沙市产权式酒店投资环境进行评价。

    Property hotel in Changsha investment environment evaluation .

  8. 中国产权式酒店的发展策略研究

    Research on Development Strategy of Timesharing in China

  9. 产权式酒店投资初探

    Probe in the Investment of Property Hotels

  10. 其次,分析了产权式酒店欺诈销售的构成要件。

    Then , it analyzes the elements of the fraudulent sales of property type hotel .

  11. 第一部分为产权式酒店欺诈销售的表现形式。

    The first part is the forms of fraudulent sales for the property type hotel .

  12. 第三部分为产权式酒店欺诈销售的法律分析。

    The third part is a legal analysis of the fraudulent sales for property type hotel .

  13. 最后,阐述了现有法律框架下产权式酒店欺诈销售的法律救济方式。

    Finally , it expounds the legal remedies for the fraudulent sales of property type hotel .

  14. 第四部分,针对我国产权式酒店的法律规制提出了九项建议。

    The fourth part , there are nine suggestions for the legal regulations of the property right hotel .

  15. 从长远的观点分析,产权式酒店是我国旅游房地产得以发展的主体。

    Analysis of long-term view , property hotel is main developed part of the real estate in China .

  16. 首先,该部分介绍了完整的产权式酒店运作分为开发、销售、经营三个阶段及各个阶段涉及的相关主体。

    Firstly , this part introduces the three operational stages of the property type hotel and the participators .

  17. 评价模型确定了指标评价和量化的标准以及评价整体产权式酒店投资环境的等级标准。

    Evaluation model identified indicators evaluation and quantified standards , the grading standards of overall property hotel investment environment evaluation .

  18. 产权式酒店投资环境评价指标的功能作用和评价指标体系及评价模型的构建。

    The functional role of Property hotel investment environment evaluation indicators , construction of the Evaluation indicators System and Evaluation Model .

  19. 产权式酒店发展历程和特点、产权式酒店投资环境影响因素以及产权式酒店投资环境评价意义。

    Development process and characteristics of Property hotel , the affecting factors of Property hotel investment environment and meaning of evaluation .

  20. 产权式酒店是继高档酒店式公寓、商铺投资热之后的一种新型的房产投资和消费模式。

    The property hotel is a new type of estate investment and consumption mode following the investment in high-grade hotel apartment and business shop .

  21. 评价结果显示长沙市产权式酒店投资环境总体水平不高,急需优化投资环境。

    Evaluation results show that the overall level of property hotel in Changsha investment environment is not high , urging to optimize the investment environment .

  22. 最后结合实际提出了作者对中国产权式酒店赢利模式的观点和思路。

    Finally , combined with practice , it puts forward the author 's point and thinking about the profit mode of China style of property hotel .

  23. 产权式酒店在国外已盛行多年,在我国却还是一个新兴投资方式,市场有待成熟和规范。

    The property hotel has been prevailing abroad for years , but still a burgeoning investment way in our country ; its market needs maturation and specification .

  24. 产权式酒店是一种集酒店业、房地产业、旅游业、金融业于一体的新型投资及消费方式。

    Property right hotel is a collection of the hotel industry , real estate , tourism and finance in the integration of new investment and consumption patterns .

  25. 顺德嘉信康年花园大酒店位于广东省佛山市顺德,由康年国际酒店集团与顺德嘉信置业发展有限公司强强联合打造的国际四星级标准产权式酒店。

    Shunde Confer Garden Hotel which is located in Shunde district of Foshan is built as four star property hotel by Conifer International Hotel Group and Jinxin property corporation .

  26. 通过两个案例的列举及简要的案件分析,说明产权式酒店欺诈销售的形式与目前产权式酒店在我国发展面临的困境。

    Through two cases cited and a brief analysis of case , it states the forms of fraudulent sales and the developmental difficulties of property type hotel in China now .

  27. 产权式酒店经过多年发展,整合了多种优势资源,是房地产业、旅游业、酒店业相结合而产生的创新模式。

    After years of development , the Property Hotel has integrated a variety of superior resources and becomes a fashion of investment that including real estate , tourism and hotel industry .

  28. 本文通过对我国产权式酒店兴起、发展和国外产权式酒店的研究,从中分析我国产权式酒店存在的问题,提出了发展的思路和对策。

    Through the research of rise and development of China 's timesharing , and timesharing in foreign country , this article analyses the problem of our timesharing , and put forward some development ideas and countermeasure .

  29. 产权式酒店作为产权式地产项目与商业性酒店的结合,整合了多种资源优势,是房地产和酒店的创新经营模式,在我国旅游度假体系中占据着越来越重要的地位。

    As the combination of the property-style hotel and the commercial hotel , property hotel is a new operating model integrated with variety of resources . It has occupied an increasingly important position in the tourist area .

  30. 但与此同时,产权式酒店欺诈销售的案件也大量发生,并且案情类似的纠纷在不同地区法院的审判结果大相径庭,呈现出司法不统一的状况。

    But at the same time , the case of fraudulent sales is occurring on a large number , and the similar case has different trial results in different court . It is in the unified judicial situation .