
  • 网络scouring;scouring effect
  1. 冬季的降水量在全年最低,沉降通量反而最高,显示了季风影响下大气中的HCH浓度的变化和降雪对大气中污染物的冲刷作用。

    The precipitation in winter is the lowest all over the year , on the contrary , the deposition flux is the highest , showing the influence of the concentration of HCH under the change of monsoon and the scouring effect of snow on the pollutants in the atmosphere .

  2. 河流冲刷作用下堤岸稳定性研究进展

    Research progress on stability analysis of embankment under effects of river scouring

  3. 多孔柔性悬浮填料,一方面,提高了对膜表面的冲刷作用,减少膜表面的沉积层;另一方面,增加了原生动物和后生动物在MBR中的数量,有效地减轻了膜污染。

    On the other hand , it increased the number of protozoa and metazoa in MBR , which played an effective role in fouling control of the membrane .

  4. η相在生长过程中和未耗尽的WC在液态金属的热传导和搅拌运动的冲刷作用下相互聚合并进一步生长,得到较大尺寸的η相。

    During their growth , they might accumulate together and growth with solid WC grains under the washing effect of thermal conduction and stirring of liquid metals to form big particles .

  5. 射流冲刷作用及分散搀气影响的研究

    Study on the scour by water jets and the effect of its dispersion and aeration

  6. 含蜡原油-柴油顺序输送中柴油对蜡沉积物的冲刷作用

    Effect of diesel on wax deposit during batch transport of waxy crude and diesel in a pipeline

  7. 曝气通过其对膜的冲刷作用、对污泥颗粒粒径的影响等途径影响膜污染。

    Aeration influence the membrane fouling through membrane scouring and its effect on the sludge particle size .

  8. 加之微裂缝、负压差和冲刷作用,使井壁更易失稳。

    Combined with micro-cracks , negative pressure difference and the scouring action , it tends to cause wall instability .

  9. 重钢复吹转炉熔池内的搅拌和冲刷作用的模拟研究

    A Study on Simulation of Stirring and Scouring Action in Top and Bottom Combined Blown Converter at Chongqing Steel

  10. 当动物粪尿被用作肥料时,雌激素共轭物和抗生素就随之进入土壤,经雨水的冲刷作用,还可能进入水体,从而对天然水体造成污染。

    When the manure is used as fertilizer , the estrogens and antibiotics will enter soil and probably natural water .

  11. 由于受到地下水垂直渗流的冲刷作用,岩溶充填物不断向深部运移与沉积。

    The filling material in karst caves moves downwards and deposits due to the washing action of vertical seepage of groundwater .

  12. 薄层水流冲刷作用下坡度对土壤溴迁移特性影响显著;

    The influence of slope gradient on the migration characteristics of soil solute such as bromine was significant with shallow flow scouring .

  13. 由于水的冲刷作用,这里的石头和山形成了面目可憎的形状,现在人们把它称作魔鬼之城。

    And now people call it " The Devil 's Town " since the stones and hills are all formed into terrible shapes .

  14. 在后墙附近存在有副循环,其对后墙和阳极有冲刷作用,会造成后墙和阳极的损坏。

    There are minor electrolyte circulations near the back wall , which have scouring effects on back wall and anodes and damage them .

  15. 实验结果表明,由于旋流介质的切向冲刷作用,大锥管段的测试效果比较好;

    It is showed that test of the cone-shaped part is more efficiency because of the scouring effect of tangential flow based experiment results .

  16. 在730℃高温的颗粒状介质冲刷作用下,金属阀门会在短时间内损坏或失效。

    Under the action of the scouring of particle media at 730 ℃ high temperature , metal valve is destructed quickly in a short time .

  17. 微通道内气泡生长和运动引起的较大流体剪切力以及气泡的冲刷作用共同导致了微通道内生物量流失。

    The erosion of the bubbles and fluid shear force caused by the bubbles ' growth and motion resulted in the loss of biomass in microchannels .

  18. 降雨在影响环境湿度的同时,其物理冲刷作用也影响着昆虫田间种群发生动态。

    Therefore , the studies on the impacts of environmental moisture and precipitation on insects have a wider significance for the integrated pest management ( IPM ) .

  19. 采用特殊土单元法考虑水流冲刷作用,避免了传统有限元程序计算中一些复杂、繁琐的工作。

    The special soil element method , which avoids some complex work in traditional methods , is supported in this paper to consider the action of current scour .

  20. 该泄洪消能系统大大减轻了下泄水流对河床基岩的冲刷作用,满足了该工程的泄洪消能任务。

    This flood energy dissipation system has remarkably relieved the scouring effect of plunging flow on the river bedrock and met the project 's requirements for flood energy dissipation .

  21. 煤形成后,由于地壳运动与河流的冲刷作用,煤层的原生结构遭到破坏,即煤层的厚度、结构发生变化,由于岩浆的侵蚀作用,局部煤层变质为天然焦。

    Because of crustal movement and the river flushing action , the primary structure of the coal seam destroyed , that is thickness and structure of the coal seam changed .

  22. 路由区海底土会因潮流冲刷作用而发生失稳破坏,影响埋设在海底土中海缆的安全。

    Therefore , the seabed soil failure due to the tidal current scour in the cable route area may occur to affect the safety of submarine cable buried in the seabed soil .

  23. 指出了坡内的渗流作用与坡前水流的冲刷作用是岸坡发生崩塌的主要动力因素,而岸坡土体的物质组成和分布、岸坡坡度等则是岸坡发生崩塌的主要内在因素;

    The seepage and erosion are primary dynamic influence factors on bank failure ; and the soil composition , soil distribution and slope angle of bank are primary internal influence factors on bank failure .

  24. 针对这一问题,建议对反应器添加内回流,增强滤池中下部气水冲刷作用以及加速难降解有机物的降解。

    To solve this problem , adding a internal reflux within the reactor is proposed , which would enhance the flushing of the lower part of reactor and accelerate the degradation of refractory organic matter .

  25. 最后,探讨了动水压力和流速对道床板混凝土的冲刷作用和劈裂作用。

    The test result presents the reliability of computational theory . Finally , the scouring and fracturing action of concrete track slab in the condition of pressure and flow rate of moving water has been explored .

  26. 在相同的地震应力条件下,坡度大的地方岩体碎屑物在重力的作用下更易脱离山体,又由于河流对两岸山体的冲刷作用,使得山体的不稳定性增加。

    In the same Seismic stress condition , rock debris objects on the steep slope is more easily off from the mountain under the effects of gravity and the river scours the mountain on both sides , making the uncertainty increase .

  27. 渗滤液是指垃圾在堆放和填埋过程中由于垃圾中有机物质分解产生的水和垃圾中的水分、降雨以及入渗的地下水,通过淋溶、冲刷作用形成的污水。

    Landfill leachate form the sewage as a result of water in decomposition of organic matter in waste water and water in garbage , rainfall and infiltration of groundwater by leaching , eroding in the the process of garbage dumps and landfill .

  28. 在水流冲刷作用和渗流剪切作用下岸坡中饱和易液化砂土在崩塌过程中不可能发生溯源液化现象。

    Main conclusions are listed as follow : 1 . The potential liquefying sand of the bank under the scouring effect of current and the shearing action of seepage is impossible to occur the phenomenon of retrogression liquefaction during the collapse progress .

  29. 岩石强度降低会引起岩石刚性下降,导致声波在岩石中传播速度下降,而长期注水的溶蚀和冲刷作用会引起岩石密度下降。

    The rock strength decline will cause the rock rigidity descent , and result the acoustic wave propagation velocity descent in the rock , the flood water corrosion and erosion over a long period of time will also cause the rock density to drop .

  30. 研究表明,植被外在的水土保持功能是其内部各个垂直层次截留降雨、拦蓄径流从而削减降雨侵蚀动能和径流冲刷作用的综合体现。

    The research showed that the external effect of vegetation on soil and water conservation is a combined effect of rainfall interception and runoff blockage by different vertical layers of vegetation so as to reduce the erosive energy of raindrop strike and runoff scour .