
  • 网络Impulse Current Generator
  1. 介绍了研制的1/10μs冲击电流发生器设计原理和基本参数。

    This paper presents a 1 / 10 μ s impulse current generator .

  2. 微机控制的冲击电流发生器

    Study on Impulse Current Generator Controlled by Microcontroller

  3. 基于Matlab语言的冲击电流发生器的仿真

    Simulation about Transient Current Generator Based on Matlab Language

  4. 1/10μs冲击电流发生器的研制

    The Development of 1 / 10 μ s Impulse Current Generator

  5. 介绍了一种单片微机、工业控制计算机进行数据和波形管理的冲击电流发生器。

    A current impulse generator is introduced with the data and waveshape controlled by computer on slice and process controller .

  6. 介绍一种紧凑型4/10μs冲击电流发生器用于氧化锌电阻片的大电流耐受试验。

    Described a compact 4 / 10 μ s impulse current generator used for the withstand test of ZnO varistor passing heavy current .

  7. 本文主要是介绍一种确定产生多种脉冲电流波形的冲击电流发生器回路中理想、通用的参数计算方法,该法已在试验中得到检验。

    This paper mainly introduces a kind of reasonable and general calculation method for circuit parameters of impulse current generator which can produce all sorts of impulse current waves and it has been checked in the test .

  8. 设计了可对冲击电压发生器或冲击电流发生器进行红外遥控的触发装置,并介绍了红外遥控触发的基本原理及具体电路。

    The infrared remote control device used for triggering impulse voltage / current generators is designed , and the essential principle and basic circuit are introduced .