
chōnɡ xǐ qì
  • Irrigator;douche;syringe for irrigation
  1. B组采用一次性膀胱冲洗器间断膀胱冲洗及袋装大容量密闭式持续膀胱冲洗方式;

    Discontinuous bladder irrigating was used in another group ( B ) , with only once used bladder irrigator and high capacity closed rubber bag .

  2. PSS的功能主要是通过其中的传感器、高频滤波器、相位补偿器及冲洗器等关键环节的特性来实现的。

    The PSS functions are mainly realized through its sensors , high-frequency filter , phase compensator and flusher , etc. .

  3. 自制妇科腹腔镜冲洗器的应用

    The application of self made wash apparatus with obstetric celoscope

  4. 简易鼻腔冲洗器的研制和应用

    Design and application of simple washer for nasal cavity disease

  5. 便携式导管消毒冲洗器的研制与应用

    Making and application of a portable irrigator for catheter disinfection

  6. 我用牙膏冲洗器冲洗引擎。

    I flushed the engine out with a toothpaste flush .

  7. 四联三通膀胱冲洗器用于持续膀胱冲洗的临床研究

    Study on Clinical Effect of Four Linking of Three Connecting Used in Continuous Bladder Irrigation

  8. 结论使用口腔冲洗器能控制冠桥修复体龈炎,有效改善牙龈健康。

    Conclusion Oral Irrigator is effective in treatment of crown and bridge of prosthesis gingivitis .

  9. 新型上消化道冲洗器,属于医疗用具技术领域。

    A novel upper digestive tract rinser belongs to the technical field of medical appliances .

  10. 脉冲式自动手术冲洗器的研制

    Development of Auto-Pulse Operation Rinse apparatus

  11. 当移动冲洗器时,这种调节可在操作室内部进行调节。

    This adjustment can be controlled from inside the cab while moving and operating the Flusher system .

  12. 密闭式颅内血肿引流冲洗器在高血压性脑出血穿刺引流中的应用价值

    Intracranial Hematoma Drainage in the Treatment of Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage by a Closed Drawing and Washing Apparatus

  13. 一种吸量管自动冲洗器,适用于理化、生化实验室。

    The utility model discloses an automatic pipet flusher , which is suitable for physics chemistry and biochemistry laboratory .

  14. 目的观察口腔冲洗器治疗冠桥修复体龈炎的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of Oral Irrigator in treatment of gingivitis in the bridge of prosthesis .

  15. 包括小便感应冲洗器、大便感应冲洗器、感应水龙头、感应淋浴器等。

    Including the induction washing urine , feces washed sensors , sensor faucets , shower , and other sensors .

  16. 他说:这就是一端开口的冲洗器重新开始流行的最重要原因之一。

    " This is one of the most important reasons that the open-end irrigation has come back into fashion ," he said .

  17. 冲洗器有助于冲洗支架和桥托下的角落,但它们不能有效地代替刷牙和其他物理方法。

    Irrigating devices help to flush out corners under braces and bridgework , but they 're not effective substitutes for brushing and other physical means .

  18. 据了解,有些地区的公共厕所也配有妇女的私处冲洗器,该地区的宫颈癌发病率就比较低。

    It is understood that in some areas of public toilet with a wash of women 's body in the area of cervical cancer incidence rate is relatively low .

  19. 一次性膀胱冲洗引流器的研制及其应用

    Manufacture and Application of Dispensable Bladder Irrigation Drainage Set

  20. 便器冲洗阀(器)出流特性试验研究

    Experimental research on characteristic of discharge of urinal and toilet flusher

  21. 本实用新型属于医疗用品领域,具体为一种妇科冲洗给药器。

    The utility model belongs to the field of medical supplies , particularly to a gynecologic washing drug supply device .

  22. 本实用新型涉及一种洁牙器,一种用于日常口腔冲洗的洁牙器。

    The utility model relates to a tooth cleaner , in particular to a tooth cleaner for daily oral cavity flushing .

  23. 多功能冲洗吸污器,它属于清洗装置,也涉及冲吸微型泵。

    The utility model discloses a multifunctional washing dirt suction device , belonging to a cleaning device and also relating to a wash-suction micropump .

  24. 本冲洗吸污器不仅可清洗地面、火车、汽车,还可作低真空吸尘器。

    The washing dirt suction device can be used to clean the floors , trains and motor cars , and used as a low vacuum suction cleaner .

  25. 便后用手按下延时开关,自动冲洗坐便器上部,开关自动关闭。

    After using the pedestal , the time-delay switch is pressed , then the upper part of the pedestal is washed automatically and the switch is closed automatically .

  26. 自动反向冲洗式油滤器

    Automatic backwashing type oil filter

  27. 本文主要研究曝气生物滤池中脱氮工艺与过程控制的相关内容,研究了反应器的启动与影响因素、反应器空间特性、反冲洗特性和反应器中生物膜与生物相的变化等。

    This research examined the craft of nitrogen-removal and the process control with biological aerated filter ( BAF ) . the reactor start and the influence factors , space character , back-flushing characteristic , reactor biofilm characteristic and biofacies change were investigated .

  28. 传统上,仕龙专注于商用的冲洗系统产品,主要是大便器冲洗阀、小便器冲洗阀和感应龙头。

    Traditionally Sloan has only offered commercial plumbing fittings , primarily faucets and valves for flushing urinal and toilets .

  29. 对延时自闭式便器冲洗阀、感应式自动便器冲洗器在不同压力下的出流量进行研究。

    The outflow volume of time-delay and self-closing urinal flusher and infrared automatic toilet and urinal flusher under different pressure are studied .