
  • 网络Impact minerals
  1. 因此,能够用静态高压淬火实验的结果来推定天然冲击事件中矿物的P-T历史。

    Hence , it is reasonable to estimate the PT history of natural impact events on the basis of phase diagrams obtained by static high-pressure quenching experiments on meteorites or rocks .

  2. 冲击式固体矿物研磨机立式球磨机在铝土矿选择性磨矿的试验研究

    Percussion grinder for solid mineral materials Experimental investigation on vertical mills for the selective grinding of bauxite

  3. K/T界面冲击层的岩石矿物特征及其对论证地外撞击事件的意义

    Lithological and mineralogical characteristics of impact layers at the k / T Boundary and their implications for determination of extraterrestrial impact events