
  1. 这样有摆荡冲坠的风险,并且绳子也会和锋利的岩石产生摩擦。

    There 's a risk of a pendulum fall and the rope will rub against the sharp rock .

  2. 如果你不能使自己试着冲坠,则需要进行有目的的脱落来战胜恐惧。

    If you cant bring yourself to fall trying , you will need to stage some intentional falls in order to beat the fear .

  3. 如果和攀爬者移动的方向相同,则在冲坠的过程中有再一次拽脱的危险。

    If the gate is positioned in the same direction that the climber is moving there is once again the risk of unclipping at the moment of the fall .

  4. 许多初学者认为这是难以忍受的,他们在困难的攀登面前太紧张,因为一直向上的艰难攀爬,不清楚要冲坠或冲坠后的情形是很可怕的事。

    Many novice leaders find this to be an impossible task , because its just too scary to push upward on a hard climb not knowing if they will fall or what the fall will be like .