
  • 网络active avoidance
  1. 应用小鼠一次性被动回避和穿箱主动回避行为法,观察抗焦虑剂丁螺环酮(Bus)对学习获得和记忆保持的影响。

    To study the effects of buspirone , a selective anxiolytic drugs , on acquisition and retention , mice were trained and tested on step through passive avoidance and two way active avoidance learning tasks .

  2. 以主动回避实验检测小鼠的学习能力和短期与长期记忆能力的变化,同时用酶法测定F1代小鼠的血脂水平。

    Then the active avoidance response test was performed to determine the alteration of learning and short term and long term memory of the transgenic mice .

  3. PAG在大鼠主动回避反应习得中的作用

    The role of periaqueductal gray ( pag ) in shuttle-box conditioned avoidance behavior in rat

  4. 结果表明,SNP(036μgicv)使大鼠在被动回避反应的短时与长时记忆和在主动回避反应的学习记忆能力增强。

    The results showed that SNP ( 0 36 μ g , icv ) facilitated short term and long term memory in passive avoidance response and elevated learning and memory ability in active avoidance response .

  5. PTSD大鼠学习记忆功能检测发现,主动回避反应显著下降(P<0.01),回避反应失败显著增加(P<0.01)。

    In the test of learning and memory function , active response to avoidance significantly decreased ( P < 0.01 ), and failed response to avoidance significantly increased ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 用wistar大鼠30只,观察了电刺激和电解损毁PAG对大鼠穿梭箱主动回避反应习得的影响。

    The present study was to observe the effect of electrical stimulation of the PAG and electrolytic damage of the PAG on the shuttle-box conditioned avoidance behavior . Thirty Wistar rats were used in the study .

  7. 连续作业结束后,灌胃给予冰片(0.4g/kg),测试其对大鼠随后夜间行为状态分布模式及主动回避行为的影响。

    Then Borneol ( 0.4 g / kg , p.o. ) was given to the rats after the operation , and their activity-rest behavior and active avoidance response were assessed .

  8. 采用主动回避反应(AAR),一次性被动回避反应(OPAR),空间分辨记忆(SDM)3种模式对学习记忆过程进行系统研究。

    Several behaviour models such as active avoidance reaction ( AAR ) , once passive avoidance reaction ( OPAR ) , spatial discrimination memory ( SDM ) , were used to research the process of learning and memory .

  9. 作为主管之一,罗伯特·陶布曼主动回避。

    Robert Taubman recused himself because he is a director .

  10. 海马内生长抑素与γ-氨基丁酸在大鼠穿梭箱主动回避反应中的作用

    Effects of somatostatin and GABA in hippocampus on the active

  11. 人参茎叶皂甙和人参根皂甙及赛庚啶对大鼠主动回避反应的影响

    Effects of ginseng stem-leaf saponins and ginseng root saponins and

  12. 迫使森林内部种、边缘敏感种主动回避道路栖息地;

    Road avoidance of forest-interior and edge - sensitive species ;

  13. 微机控制的穿棱箱双向主动回避反应实验系统

    Computer controlled two way active avoidance shuttle box

  14. 穿梭箱实验法观察大鼠前脑缺血/再灌流后条件性主动回避反应的变化。

    The changes of conditional active avoidance response was tested by shuttle-box following forebrain ischemia / reperfusion .

  15. 临床特征以社会交往障碍、言语障碍、智力迟滞以及主动回避与他人眼对视为主。

    Their primary clinical features included communication retardation , speech disorder , mental retardation and poor eyes contact .

  16. 方法:研制一种微机控制的穿梭箱双向主动回避反应实验系统,自动分析和记录实验结果。

    Methods : A computer controlled two-way active avoidance shuttle box system is designed to control and record the training automatically .

  17. 海马内注射半胱胺对大鼠海马生长抑素含量、痛阈和主动回避反应的影响

    Effect of microinjection of cysteamine into hippocampus on somatostatin content of hippocampus , pain threshold and active avoidance response in rats

  18. 随后观察冰片对长时连续作业大鼠活动-静止行为、觉醒时间以及穿梭箱主动回避反应的影响。

    Subsequently , locomotor activity , wakefulness time and active avoidance response of rats during the subjective day were observed after application of borneol .

  19. 结果:在爬杆主动回避反应中,发育早期大鼠习得和保持能力均明显强于成年大鼠。

    Results : Early developmental rats show the better ability in the acquisition and retention of pole jump active avoidance reaction ( AAR ) than that of adult rats .

  20. 目的:观察中药脑伤泰对血管性痴呆大鼠主动回避反应及海马钙结合蛋白的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of Naoshangtai ( NST ) in treating learning and memory function and calbindin ( CAB ) of hippocampus in rats with vascular dementia ( VD ) .

  21. 结果模型组大鼠主动回避反应比率明显低于对照组(P<0.01),治疗组较模型组显著提高(P<0.01)。

    Results AAR ratio in the model group showed significantly decrease compared with the control ( P < 0.01 ), and the treatment group was significant higher than the model group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  22. 造模前后各组大鼠学习记忆能力检测结果:造模前各组大鼠主动回避反应百分率无明显差异(P>0.05)。

    Determination result of learning and memory in rats of each group before and after establishing models : There was no significant difference in active avoidance response ( AAR ) percentage of rats in each group before establishing models ( P > 0.05 ) .

  23. 主动回避反应比率:模型组和中、西药组大鼠术后2,4,8周明显低于假手术组(P<0.01);

    Comparison of AAR ratio of rats in every group : At weeks 2 , 4 and 8 after 4-vessel occlusion , the model , Chinese crude drug and western drug groups was significantly lower than the sham operation group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. CPSS量表PTSD得分与定向遗忘效应有着显著正相关,说明高PTSD症状者在记忆加工阶段的主动识别回避对定向遗忘效应的影响大于提取抑制的缺损。

    The CPSS Scale PTSD score and the directed forgetting effect has a significant positive correlation , proactively identify high PTSD symptoms in the stage of memory processing to extract the suppression is greater than the defect to avoid the influence of directed forgetting effect . 5 .

  25. 目的:观察TBI后大鼠主动性条件回避反应(ACAR穿梭箱实验,shutleboxtest)及被动性条件回避反应(PCAR步入与步下实验,stepthroughandstepdowntest)的变化。

    AIM : The active conditioned avoidance responses ( ACAR-shuttle box test ) and passive conditioned avoidance responses ( PCAR-step through and step down test ) were observed after TBI .

  26. 丁螺环酮对小鼠主动和被动回避反应的影响

    Effects of buspirone on active and passive avoidance responses in mice

  27. 局部脑缺血&再灌注大鼠的主动和被动回避行为障碍

    Disturbance of active and passive avoidance response in rats with focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion

  28. 尼莫地平对樟柳碱造成的大鼠主动和被动回避性反应的缺失也有明显改善作用。

    Nimodipine was also shown to improve anisodine induced disruption of active and passive avoidance response in rats .

  29. 采用多次性训练的主动和被动回避反应和水迷宫法,观察了尼莫地平、硝苯吡啶和长春胺对樟柳碱和戊巴比妥钠引起的大鼠和小鼠记忆障碍的改善作用。

    Nimodipine was shown to improve anisodine-induced impairments of active and passive avoidance responses , while nifedipine and vincamine increased passive avoidance response only in rats .

  30. 目的报道护理记录中存在客观、真实、准确、及时、完整等五性缺陷,分析原因,主动干预,回避医疗风险。

    Objective To report 5-defections , in objectivity , reality , accuracy , punctuality and integrality , and to make cause analysis and active intervention , avoid medical risk .