
  • 【冶】secondary metallurgy
  1. 钢铁、有色金属及铸造业的最佳二次冶金技术

    Optimized Secondary metallurgy for the steel , non-ferrous and foundry industry

  2. 金属材料表面二次冶金对电击穿的影响

    Influence of the Second Surface Metallurgy of Metallic Materials on Vacuum Breakdown Behaviours

  3. 生铁和钢脱硫的二次冶金

    Secondary metallurgy of desulphurization of iron and steel

  4. 第一次全国铁水预处理和钢的二次冶金会议

    The 1st National Congress on pretreatment of hot metal and secondary metallurgy for steel

  5. 二次冶金&钢包精炼

    Secondary Metallurgy - Ladle Refining

  6. 指出了为发展钢包二次冶金技术、改造电弧炉应用无渣出钢技术的必要性。

    It is lnecessarythat applying slag-less steel tapping technique in EAF for developing secondary metallurgy ofladle furnace .

  7. 最初使用二次冶金工艺是为了满足不断增长的特种钢质量需求,目前二次冶金已广泛用来生产所有钢类,因为它有高的经济效益&提高生产率,作业的机动性和低的生产成本。

    Initially secondary metallurgy process was applied to meet the increasing quality demands for special steel grades . At present , the secondary metallurgy treatments are common to produce all grades of steel as they offer high benefits - increased productivity , operational flexibility and decreased production cost .

  8. 作为一种二次精炼冶金技术,双极串联技术在电渣重熔冶金中的应用使其具有新的特点。

    As a kind of refined metallurgy technology , the electroslag furnace has a new characteristic with using double electrode series .

  9. 作者采用三维取向分布函数(ODF)研究了二次挤压对铸锭冶金(IM)和快速冷凝粉末冶金(RS-PM)Al-Li合金挤压制品的织构及力学性能的影响。

    The effects of double-extrusion processing on the extrusion textures and mechanical properties of both IM and RS-PM Al-Li extrudates have been investigated using ODF .

  10. 介绍二次燃烧技术的冶金原理,提出该技术在生产应用中遇到的几个问题及其相关的技术措施,并与其它节能技术在节能效果上作了一定比较。

    This article introduced the metallurgical principle of secondary combustion technology , and raised the problems met in production and the countermeasures related , as well as compared the energy saving effects with some other energy saving technology .