
  • 网络Tourist Hotel;Hotel Tourist
  1. 而在游客对于酒店产品进行订购的过程中,在线评论对游客的决策过程起到了重要的作用。

    And to visitors , in the process of online comments in the decision-making process of tourists has played an important role .

  2. 据报道,不少外地游客对酒店表示了好奇,并称很有可能再次到杭州旅游来看看(这个酒店)。

    Some tourists from other places expressed curiosity about the hotel and said they would likely visit Hangzhou again to have a look at it , according to the report .

  3. 但鉴于以上可能性不存在,因此至少让人宽慰的是:随着亚洲酒店集团进军巴黎以及原有酒店适时应对,国际高端游客的酒店选择比以往任何时候都要多。

    But given that impossibility , it is at least reassuring to know that with the advent of the Asian groups and the response of the incumbents , Paris has more to offer the high-end international traveller than ever before .

  4. 奥基维斯特补充称,排名居前和靠后酒店的价格差距,足以使游客根据酒店价格、而非航班价格和班次来选择度假目的地。

    Mr oqvist added that the difference between the top and bottom of the League was now wide enough to justify travellers choosing their holiday destinations on the grounds of hotel prices rather than the cost and availability of flights .

  5. 专门针对中国游客做酒店预订的旅游从业者说,中国的旅行商主要在新泽西的两个地区找酒店房间:一处是纽瓦克机场附近,另一处是在新泽西收费高速公路靠近北布伦瑞克与艾迪森出口一带。

    Tour operators who specialize in bookings for Chinese say there are two main areas where Chinese tour operators look for hotel rooms in New Jersey , one around the Newark airport , the other along the New Jersey Turnpike around the exits for North Brunswick and Edison .

  6. 以确保所有的游客都在酒店安排好了。

    To make sure that all the guests are well accommodated at the hotel .

  7. 中国最大的经济型连锁酒店正在进军豪华酒店市场,认为中国人生活水平的提高将吸引更多游客入住高档酒店。

    China 's largest economy-hotel chain is moving into the luxury market , betting that rising living standards in China will attract more visitors to high-end hotels .

  8. 在体验上的支出不断增长,应当会让酒店、娱乐和旅游服务行业的受益程度大大超过以往(以往中国出境游客往往在酒店、餐饮和活动上精打细算,以便省下钱来在商店购物)。

    Rising spending on experiences should benefit hospitality , entertainment and tourism service industries to a far greater extent than in the past , when many Chinese overseas travellers scrimped on hotels , food and activities to spend more at the shops .

  9. 演出结束后,送各位游客返回自己的酒店。

    When the performance is over , drive travelers back to their hotel .

  10. 烤鸭餐结束后,送各位游客返回自己的酒店,或者去欣赏京剧或杂技。

    After dinner , drive travelers back to their hotel or to see the Peking opera or acrobatic show .

  11. (意大利)文艺复兴之城、“水城”威尼斯近日遭遇洪水侵袭,一些酒店利用水涨之机,打起了促销牌,即住店游客可免费使用酒店提供的雨靴,体验水中漫步威尼斯的乐趣。

    Venice hoteliers are urging tourists to enjoy the tourist mecca despite chronic flooding , offering free rubber boots for guests to slosh around the Renaissance city .

  12. 有人说,游客会因担心酒店和餐厅价格过高,机票太紧张以及城市太拥挤而刻意避开在这个时候前往伦敦。

    Some say tourists will stay away because they fear hotel and restaurant prices will be too high , flights will be too packed and the capital will be overrun .

  13. 调查表明,阿根廷游客最喜欢从酒店顺东西&73%的阿根廷受访者承认除了梳洗用品,他们还拿过酒店房间里的其它物品。

    Argentinian travellers are the most likely to indulge in hotel misappropriation , a survey has suggested , with 73 percent admitting to taking items – not including toiletries – from their room .

  14. 调查表明,阿根廷游客最喜欢从酒店顺东西——73%的阿根廷受访者承认除了梳洗用品,他们还拿过酒店房间里的其它物品。

    Argentinian travellers are the most likely to indulge in hotel misappropriation , a survey has suggested , with 73 percent admitting to taking items - not including toiletries - from their room .

  15. 温德汉姆花园酒店的总经理唐·舍尼曼(DonSheneman)说,中国游客已经成为该酒店的“日常稳定客流”,缓和了国内市场的高低起落。

    For the Wyndham Garden , Chinese tourists provide " a steady flow of regular business " that cushions the ups and downs of the domestic market , said Don Sheneman , the general manager .

  16. 但同时,东道主的行为也引起了中国游客的关注,包括缺乏语言沟通能力,韩国旅游规划不周全,香港导游欺负游客,意大利酒店房间没热水,以及英国“不友好”的签证制度等。

    Chinese tourists have raised concerns about the behaviour of their hosts , too - including a lack of language skills and poor planning in South Korea to bullying guides in Hong Kong , the lack of hot water inItalian hotel rooms and the UK 's " unfriendly " visa system .

  17. 一名中国游客在肯尼亚著名旅游景点纳瓦沙湖附近遭河马袭击身亡,据悉河马是误入了这名游客所在的酒店区域。

    A Chinese tourist was attacked and killed by a hippopotamus that strayed from Lake Naivasha into the compound of a hotel where she was staying .