
  • 网络game changer
  1. 小米Mix无疑是游戏改变者。

    TheMix is quite the game changer .

  2. 相反,一个更重要的游戏改变者可能正在从外界而来:中国。

    Potentially a greater game changer is instead coming from outside : China .

  3. 他们有带领其他的英雄的能力,对成群的敌人而言自然十分强大,但并非不可战胜的游戏改变者。

    They are able to take on other heroes , and are naturally very powerful against groups of enemies but are not invincible game-changers .

  4. 令我吃惊的是,他们对新兴格局的分析非常相似,二人均视核扩散为真正危险的游戏改变者。

    What struck me were the similarities of their analyses of the emerging landscape . Both saw in nuclear proliferation the really dangerous game-changer .

  5. 特萨戈将这项技术描述为可能的“游戏规则改变者”,意思是对某种情况有巨大且良好的影响。

    Tersago described the technology as a possible " game-changer , " which means something that has a big , good effect on a situation .

  6. 国防分析人士称东风-21D导弹为游戏规则改变者,因为该导弹可以阻止美国航母进入中国不希望它们进入的水域。

    Defence analysts have called the Dongfeng 21D missile a game changer since it would discourage US aircraft carriers from entering waters where China does not want them .

  7. 拥护者认为,如果措施得当,强力的评估体系可能会成为师生双方的游戏规则改变者,重建教师职业并促进老师改进教学方法。

    Done right , say advocates , strong evaluation systems could be a game changer for both teachers and their students , reshaping the profession and pushing teachers to improve .

  8. 一些专家警告说,从枪手武器的先进,身份的隐藏以及逃跑的方法看,他们与以前的独狼袭击大不相同,这可能是一个游戏规则改变者。

    Some experts warned that how well the gunmen wielded their weapons , hid their identities and apparently planned their escape showed a marked difference from previous lone wolf attacks & and could be a game changer .

  9. 汇丰(HSBC)贵金属销售主管约翰莱文(JohnLevin)干脆将这种转变称作游戏规则的改变者。

    John Levin , head of precious metals sales at HSBC , simply calls the shift a game changer .

  10. 美国玉米供应意外下降将推高牛肉、猪肉和鸡肉的价格。业内部分人士警告称,这将是一个游戏规则的改变者。

    A surprise contraction in the US corn supply will push up beef , pork and chicken prices in what parts of the industry warn will be a game changer .