
  • 网络Game competition;gtv
  1. 随着DeepMind在游戏竞技以及图像识别领域不断取得重大突破,DeepMindHealth在今年2月应运而生。

    With the company riding high on breakthroughs in the fields of game play and image recognition , DeepMind Health was launched in February .

  2. 在时常被称为“电子体育”(e-sports)的电子游戏职业竞技领域,韩国也处于领先地位,有组织的竞技联盟应运而生,还训练了资金充裕的职业队伍,狂热的游戏迷挤满巨大的体育场,为他们喜爱的选手喝彩。

    The country has also led in professional video game competitions , often called e-sports , creating organized leagues , training well-financed professional teams and filling giant stadiums with frenzied fans to cheer on their favorite players .

  3. 竞技体育与游戏论竞技运动中美的体现山东省残疾人竞技体育现状与发展对策研究

    Countermeasure against the current status and development of handicapped athletics in Shandong province

  4. 第二次转变:洲际比赛的出现:由游戏到竞技;

    The second change was appearance of intercontinental competitions which shifted volleyball from game to athletics .

  5. 以互联网为载体衍生而出的网络游戏将竞技参与和生动体验等游戏魅力发挥到极致。

    The Online Game leeched on to the internet gave full play to the charm of athletics and experience .

  6. 它的制作和应用大都与民间游戏、竞技密切相关;民间玩具作为民俗生活的产物,又与节日习俗、信仰民俗、地域文化有着割舍不掉的联系。

    As the material form of folk games and sports culture , the appearance and survival of folk toys are closely linked with folk life .

  7. 土家族民间游戏具有竞技性、表演健身性、群体性等特征,是土家族优秀民族文化的一部分。

    Tujia Folk Play is a part of Tujia excellent ethnic culture , with the features of competitive , performance fitness , groups , and others .

  8. 通过对相关的游戏、竞技体育等概念的研究表明,电子竞技是一种游戏,应当回归游戏的本质。

    According to the study of the prevalent concept of game and sports , electronic sports is a kind of game and should be catalogued according to its essence .

  9. 从事电子竞技无需准备球棒、球或者篮筐。但毫无疑问,这项电子游戏的竞技赛事已成长为一项全球范围的观赏性运动。

    There are no bats , balls or baskets but there 's no doubt the growing industry of eSports , a type of competitive video game , has become a global spectator sport .

  10. 从运动技能、游戏和竞技体育运动的逐步演进过程,分析其价值转移规律,寻求新时期学校体育教学中心的转变。

    Based on the evolution of skills games and competitive sports , this paper analyses changes of the value regular of the sports and point out that the physical education will accord with this change in new times .

  11. 古代足球运动的起源不是一个静止的时间点,而是一个成螺旋上升式的过程,即从意象化到形象化,从游戏到竞技,从被动反映到主动创生的历史过程。

    The origin of ancient football game is not a static point of time , but a spiral and ascendant process . That is from imaginary to visualization , from games to sports , and from passive reflection to initiative creation .

  12. 其次,游戏是竞技的起点和本质属性,竞技以游戏为内核贯穿发展始终,竞技主体理应展现出一种自由意识、秩序意识和审美意识三位一体的游戏精神。

    Secondly , the game is the starting point and nature of sport , the game is always the kernel through the development of sport , sportsmen should show the " Trinity " spirit of the game which consists of the sense of freedom , order consciousness and aesthetic awareness .

  13. 电子竞技不是简单的打电子游戏!电子竞技也决不是什么玩物丧志!

    E-sport is not as simple as playing game , it is not an excessive attention to plaything saps the will .

  14. 宋代同题唱和诗不仅具有切磋交流性、游戏性、竞技性,而且具有互补性以及深厚的文化意蕴。

    The Song Dynastys responsory poetry with the same subject was not only communicative , sportive and competitive , but also had the complementarity and the profound cultural connotation .

  15. 本章在综述当今国内外各种竞技起点学说的基础上,以历史和逻辑的视角对游戏之为竞技起点的观点进行论证,并对竞技的各种游戏属性进行分析。这一章共包括四节。

    Based on the views of the game as a starting point , this part discusses them from the historical and logical view and analyzes the game natures of sport . This chapter includes a total of four sections .

  16. 网络游戏作为一种竞技、休闲和娱乐方式,是网络时代发展程度的重要标志。

    Internet games , as a pattern of competence and entertainment , are an important symbol of internet times .

  17. 第一节首先对当今的各种竞技起点说进行阐述,然后以竞技与游戏概念的词源考察和特征分析作为理论依据,以支撑游戏之为竞技起点的观点。

    In the first section , it reviews the points of sport as the starting point , and then it expounds the theory that games are the starting point of sport , based on the etymology study of the concepts and the features of sport and game .