
  • 网络The new vision
  1. 高校图书馆人文关怀馆员新视觉

    The New Vision of Humanitarian Care on Librarians of Universities Libraries

  2. 新视觉下的卡通式油画

    Cartoon Canvas under New Vision

  3. 1959年,《新视觉传达设计》期刊在瑞士登场亮相。

    In 1959 , periodical New Visual Convey design was first published in Switzerland .

  4. 中国传统书法艺术的新视觉审美倾向

    New Visual Aesthetics of Traditional Chinese Calligraphy

  5. 新视觉语言的创意文字设计

    New Visual Design-Creativeness of Characters Design

  6. 改变带来机会并创造生活新视觉。

    Change is what should bring you opportunities and a chance to see life in a new perspective .

  7. 探究当代书法的新视觉审美倾向对传统书法的继承与拓展具有积极的现实意义。

    It is significant for the inheritance and development of traditional calligraphy to probe into new visual aesthetics of contemporary calligraphy .

  8. 在平面设计当中,从最具有变化性的二维图形与图像来看就具有这一新视觉审美现象的明显特征。

    In the graphics design , the most full of variety of two-dimensional graphics and image have obvious characteristic of this new visual aesthetic phenomenon .

  9. 努格罗荷由此开始发现利用阴影概念来创造新视觉形象的许多崭新的可能性。

    From this perspective , Nugroho started to see many new possibilities to create a new visual imagery by working with the idea of " shadow " .

  10. 讲座表演中,他们把焦点放在讲者及演讲内容上,给观众带来直播会议的新视觉体验。

    For conference performance , they turn the camera onto the speakers themselves and the contents of their lecture are simultaneously remixed and rebroadcast to the audience .

  11. 迪特·容格就是最早使用这种技术,创造跨越时间与空间的新视觉和感官新体验的一位先驱者。

    Dieter Jung is such an avant-courier who uses such a technique , and creates the new visual and sense experience of spanning the time and space .

  12. 我要让我的眼睛饱享维勒内兹那炽烈的色彩,研究埃尔·格列科的神秘,从科罗那里领略大自然的新视觉。

    I should want to feast my eyes upon the warm colors of Veronese , study the mysteries of E1 Greco , catch a new vision of Nature from Corot .

  13. 而企业核心能力是企业获得持续竞争力的源泉,企业核心能力是现代企业管理尤其是战略管理研究和实践的新视觉和新范畴。

    Core competence of corporation is the source of sustainable competitive advantage and a view and issue of theory and practice of modern corporation management , especially of strategic management .

  14. 像吉特莱芝教授这样的大学者在阐释大师作品时曾说过,大师之作“恰如赐予盲人的新视觉”。的确,他正是把莎士比亚的诗人地位复原如初的先驱,也是带给我们光明的使者。

    But when a great scholar like Professor Kittredge interprets what the master said , it is " as if new sight were given the blind . " He brings back Shakespeare , the poet .

  15. 文章从供应链的新视觉,阐述了从整个供应链上实行企业的大预算,从企业内部实施全面预算并且进行相应的管理的观点。

    From the recent view of supply chain , the article explains the overall enterprise budget based on the whole supply chain , and the views of implementing all-round budget with corresponding management within the enterprise .

  16. 试图从理论上把握材料新视觉和现代陶艺思维观念的转变来浅析综合材料在现代陶艺中运用的内涵及特点。

    The paper attempts to seize the new vision of materials and conceptual changes of modern ceramic art in theory , in order to analyse the content and features of comprehensive materials used in modern ceramic art .

  17. 设计师在融合领域的研究探索中更应不断地归纳视觉形态、心里暗示、哲学理论等学科的经验与理论,从而推动这一新视觉领域专业的前进。

    Stylist is in fusion area of research and exploration more should constantly inductive visual configuration , heart suggestive and philosophical theory etc. Subject experience and theory , so as to promote the new visual field professional forward .

  18. 以新视觉从十个方面归纳和分析了经济政策的分类问题,提出制度性政策、目标性政策的概念,将与工具性政策区分;

    This article sums up and analyzes classification of economic policies from ten respects in a new perspective . It sets forth the concept of institutional policy and target policy , which is to be differentiated from instrumental policy ;

  19. 在今天这样一个追求个性张扬,艺术语言趋于多元化的时代,人们每时每刻都为不断涌现的艺术作品而目不暇接,我们甚至还来不及理解就己被卷入了这个新视觉的海洋。

    At such a time that we are in pursuit of personality , we have been involved in the sea of new visual even we have no time to understand when there are too many art works to see .

  20. 研究团队发现,锻炼大约降低了快速眼动速度的8%,从而妨碍了眼睛捕捉新的视觉信息的能力。

    The team found that exercise reduced the speed of rapid eye movements by about 8 % , preventing their ability to capture new visual information .

  21. 本文导出一种新的视觉不变性描绘子&阿达玛描绘子(Hd)。

    New vision invariant descriptors , Hadamard descriptors , are derived in this paper .

  22. 新媒介视觉文化意义上的Flash动画充分展示出大众性、通俗性、娱乐性等文化品质。

    Depending on the new media visual culture , Flash cartoon fully exhibits the quality as popular , common , entertaining .

  23. 这些数据为了解TGFβ/Nodal信号的转导调控机理和对胚胎发育的调控作用提供了新的视觉。

    These data give some new insights on the mechanism of TGF β / Nodal transduction and in regulation of embryonic development .

  24. IDUG揭秘新的视觉识别系统和新会议焦点

    IDUG Unveils New Look and New Conference Focus

  25. 利用新的视觉模型,分别采用离散余弦变换(DCT)和离散小波变换(DWT)具体实现了版权保护的数字水印技术的算法。

    Constructed the model of HVS based on the model of MRF , proposed the realization algorithms of digital watermarking for copyright protection by adopting Discrete Cosine Transform ( DCT ) and Discrete Wavelet Transform ( DWT ) .

  26. 它颠覆了传统的叙事方式,突出了人物的社会属性,带来了新的视觉体验;它开拓了新的审美标准,并且将这种标准结合到了实践中,从而丰富了MV市场。

    It subverts the traditional narrative , highlighting the social attributes of the characters , bringing a new visual experience ; It opened up a new aesthetic standard and this standard combination to practice , thus enriching the MV market .

  27. 主要研究工作如下:(1)根据自动视觉检测原理和现代检测要求,设计了适用于微电子产品的新的视觉检测系统(PVMS)。

    The main research works in this dissertation are as follows : ( 1 ) Based on the automatic vision inspection principle and modern inspection requirement , designed a new vision inspection system for microelectronic products ( PVMS ) .

  28. 一种新的视觉皮层简单细胞工作机制的模型

    A new model of simple cell in the visual cortex

  29. 啊,今回因为是在一个“舞台”上,有新的视觉效果呢!

    There was new visual effect on the wall of the hall .

  30. 同时,得出了一种新的视觉特征提取算法。

    In the meantime , a new visual feature extraction algorithm is derived .