
kāi bō
  • debut; begin broadcasting;start broadcasting a programme;begin to show
  1. Bol预计将在7月中旬穆斯林斋月结束后开播。

    The station is expected to begin broadcasting after Ramadan , the Islamic holy month , which will end in mid-July .

  2. 据熟悉相关计划的人士表示,该中心将最迟在2012年年中开播,每天制作至多6个小时的原创节目。

    It aims to begin broadcasting by the middle of 2012 and produce up to six hours of original programming a day , according to people familiar with the plans .

  3. 他们于1922年开播。

    They began broadcasting in 1922 .

  4. 开播于1991年的付费电视频道premiere实况转播两大顶级足球联赛的赛事。

    Premiere , a subscription channel which began in 1991 , shows live football covering the top two divisions

  5. 第四频道开播了,它在某种程度上为电视创造了一个不同的角色。

    Channel 4 arrived and somehow created a different role for television

  6. 开播时间不会晚于明年年底。

    It is to start broadcasting no later than the end of next year

  7. 那听起来像不像《深夜脱口秀》的开播曲?

    Doesn 't that sound like the signature tune from The Late Late Show ?

  8. 该节目重新开播了,新系列中汇集了一大批音乐家和喜剧剧目。

    The programme is back for a new series with a great line-up of musicians and comedy acts .

  9. 地方电视台开播了。

    The local TV station has begun broadcasting .

  10. 玉米上周就开播了。

    The seeding of corn began last week .

  11. 这场戏还没有开播。

    The play is not on yet .

  12. 本月HBO将会以“铁王座庆典”来纪念《权力的游戏》开播十周年。庆典于4月6日开始,将一直持续到4月底。

    This month , HBO will be commemorating the 10th anniversary of Game of Thrones with the Iron Anniversary , which launched on Tuesday and will last through the end of April .

  13. 例句在开播之前,我能把稿子快速念给你听一下吗?

    Can I quickly run the script1 past you before we go on air ?

  14. 《新闻联播》自1978年开播以来,一直是央视最重要的一档新闻节目。

    Xinwen Lianbo , or News Simulcast , has been one of CCTV 's most important news programs since it first aired in 1978 .

  15. 包括我最喜欢的《TheMorningShow》第二季,这周五就会开播。

    including the second season of one of my favorites , " The Morning Show , " which starts this Friday .

  16. 最后,《权利的游戏》4月14日在HBO开播。

    And , Game of Thrones premieres on HBO April 14 .

  17. 以5亿美元收购美国前副总统阿尔·戈尔(AlGore)创立的Current有线电视台后,半岛电视台美国频道于2013年8月正式开播。

    Al Jazeera America went on the air in August 2013 after it bought Al Gore 's Current TV for $ 500 million .

  18. 这部剧在由BBC制作,从1963年开播直至今日。

    The show was produced by the BBC from 1963 to the present day .

  19. Faith轻松电台节目开播已经超过一年了,由于得到大家忠实的关爱与支持,电台越办越好。

    This radio program has been running for over a year , owing to your constant care and support , fortunately , it 's rising .

  20. MacMcGarry已经84岁,自节目开播以来一直主持“It'sAcademic”。

    Mac McGarry is eighty-four and has hosted " It 's Academic " since the beginning .

  21. 比如ITV的《DancingonIce》新季开播,只有680万观众收看。

    The season premiere of Dancing on Ice on ITV , for example , pulled in only 6.8 million viewers .

  22. 现在,扮演珊莎·史塔克的明星SophieTurner似乎已经向《Variety》确认了开播的档期。

    Now , star Sophie Turner , who plays Sansa Stark , seems to have confirmed that date to Variety .

  23. 当“RedEye”开播的时候,Beth很讨厌它,因为即使节目有隐藏的魅力,它仍然是一个可怕的脱口秀节目。

    See when " Red Eye " started , Beth was right to hate it because despite its hidden charms , it was a horror show .

  24. AMC这次宣布了很多节目2014年的开播日期,不过没有公布《行尸走肉》和《TalkingDead》的具体播出时间。

    AMC just announced a bunch of 2014 premiere dates , but didn 't give The Walking Dead and Talking Dead a specific date in October .

  25. 彼得森的重大突破是《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)。这部HBO的豪华大剧下月将开播第4季。

    Mr Peterson 's big break was Game of Thrones , the lavish HBO drama , which next month starts its fourth season .

  26. AMC表示,这打破了近十年的首集开播记录。

    That breaks a demo rating record for basic cable set nearly 10 years ago , AMC reports .

  27. 泰国有线网络公司TrueCorp.今年就开播了一部真人秀纪录片,分多集介绍了曼谷东部一座寺庙里九名小沙弥的真实生活情况。

    Thai cable network True Corp. this year began airing a live , rolling documentary about the lives of nine novice monks ordained at a temple in eastern Bangkok .

  28. 对HBO来说,《权力的游戏》的上映拉开了该剧下一季宣传的序幕,下一季将于4月份开播。

    For HBO , the screening kicks off the promotion for the coming season of Game of Thrones , which starts in April .

  29. 当年开播的其他美剧《双面女间谍》(Alias)、《实习医生风云》(Scrubs)和《六尺之下》(SixFeetUnder)都已在多年前收官。

    Other shows debuting that year included ' Alias , ' ' Scrubs ' and ' Six Feet Under ' - all of which ended years ago .

  30. 今年秋季开播的《绯闻女孩》VanderWoodsen家族又要少一位成员了。

    It looks like the Van der Woodsen clan will be down one member on Gossip Girl this fall .