
  • 网络Chiou I-jen;Chiu Yi-jen
  1. 邱义仁表示,他建议外交部付款给金纪玖,是因为金纪玖是他信任的一位朋友介绍给他的。

    Mr Chiu said he recommended the foreign ministry pay Mr Ching because he had been introduced to him by a trusted friend .

  2. 邱义仁称:我这位信得过的好朋友介绍(他们),我认为他的话是绝对可靠的。

    This very good and trusted friend of mine had introduced [ them ] , and I thought his was absolutely reliable , Mr Chiu said .

  3. 当时担任国家安全会议秘书长的邱义仁表示,他没有命令情报科审核两位中间人的背景。

    Mr Chiu , head of the National Security Council at the time , said he refrained from ordering intelligence checks of the two intermediaries ' backgrounds .

  4. 邱义仁和黄志芳称,两位中间人拒绝归还这笔资金,台湾政府目前表示二人此后失踪了。

    According to Mr Chiu and Mr Huang , the two middlemen refused to return the funds and the government now says that both have since gone missing .