
  1. 欲望中的挣扎&邱华栋城市小说的张力

    Flounder in the Desire & the Tension of Qiu Huadong 's City Novels

  2. 邱华栋的都市新小说创造了一系列富有现代都市特色的女性形象。

    A series of Female images had been created in Qiu Huadong 's city novels .

  3. 邱华栋的都市小说与前代作家的都市小说有明显的不同,他以全面融入都市的姿态描绘着都市的风景线。

    There are some differences between Qiu Huadong 's city novels and his previous writers ' .

  4. 欲望与失落&评邱华栋小说集《哭泣游戏》

    Desire and Loss & Review a Collection of Qiu Hua-dong s Novels Entitled Weep Game ;

  5. 最后,结合作家的创作心理和个性特质分析了邱华栋城市小说的艺术形式。

    At last , combined with the writer 's creating mentality and personal particularity , it analyzes the art form of Qiu Huadong 's city novels .

  6. 第二章分别以对邱华栋、朱文、韩东等作家的文本解读,来说明晚生代中的欲望化叙事倾向,并分析它所带来的文学史意义和价值影响。

    The second chapter explains the desirous narrative inclination by studying the version of Qiu Huadong , Zhu Wen and Han Dong , etc , and analyze the literary significance and valuable effect it brings about .

  7. 中国的新生代作家邱华栋及被称作日本都市文学派代表的作家村上春树在创作中均能紧扣城市与人的主题来探讨现代化都市中人的存在意识、生存体验与心理感受。

    Qiu Hua dong and Murakami Haruki both can center on the subject concerning the relationship between city and human to probe into consciousness of existence , living experiences and psychology of urban people in their writing .