
  1. 邱阳创巴仁波切是将佛法传至西方的先驱者和燃火者。

    Ch ö gyam Trungpa Rinpoche was a pioneer and igniter of Buddhadharma in the West .

  2. 西方的弟子或许会激赏邱阳创巴仁波切,认为他的所作所为来自优越的才能。

    Western disciples might appreciate that what Ch ö gyam Trungpa Rinpoche has done takes great talent .

  3. 我的父亲邱阳创巴仁波切,把香巴拉法教引介到西方世界。

    My father , Ch ö gyam Trungpa Rinpoche , introduced the teachings of Shambhala to the West .