
  • 网络westside story;THE WEST SIDE STORY
  1. 《西区故事》(WestSideStory)式的浪漫桥段是该片最无趣的部分,所以影片在这上面花费那么多时间令人沮丧。

    The " West Side Story " romance angle is the least interesting part of the movie , so it 's frustrating that so much time is spent on it .

  2. 音乐剧《西区故事》&戏剧与音乐分析

    Musical " West Side Story " & Dramatic and Musical Analysis

  3. 在《西区故事》中,托尼被复仇者射杀,留下发疯的玛丽亚。

    Tony is shot in revenge , and Maria is left distraught .

  4. 他一直在唱曼哈顿西区故事的歌?

    And he just keeps singing West Side Story songs ?

  5. 《西区故事》是她最喜爱的音乐片。

    ' west side story'is her favourite musical .

  6. 音乐剧《西区故事》是美国百老汇音乐剧中最为经典的悲剧之一,它的价值主要体现在戏剧悲剧性同音乐戏剧性的高度有机统一之上。

    Its value is mainly from perfect integration of the tragic and dramatic music .

  7. 1957年的这一天,音乐剧曼哈顿西区故事在百老汇公映。

    In 1957 , the musical " West Side Story " opened on Broadway .

  8. 《西区故事》是美国音乐剧中的一部经典巨作,被视为美国音乐剧发展史上的一座里程碑。

    《 West Side Story 》 is a masterpiece in the history of American musical .

  9. 排第二的是获得10个奖项的《西区故事》(1961年)。

    Second place is held by West Side Story ( 1961 ), which won ten Oscars .

  10. 《奥立弗》、《西区故事》和《飞天万能车》也跻身“史上最伟大的十大音乐剧”排行榜。

    Oliver , West Side Story and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang rounded off the top ten ' Greatest Musicals of All Time . '

  11. 《奥立弗》、《西区故事》和《飞天万能车》也跻身“史上最伟大音乐剧”排行榜前十位。

    Oliver , West Side Story and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang rounded off the top ten " Greatest Musicals of All Time " .

  12. 其中包括期待已久的改编自同名科幻小说的电影《沙丘》,还有史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格版的《西区故事》。

    This includes Dune , the long-awaited adaptation of the sci-fi novel of the same name , and Steven Spielberg 's version of West Side Story .

  13. 信函以这句句子结尾:“《西区故事》对我们意味深远,愿它对整个戏剧界能有同样深远的意涵。”

    The letter closed with this wish : " May West Side Story mean as much to the theater and to people who see it as it has to us . "

  14. 丽塔•莫雷诺最知名的角色是在《西区故事》中扮演的安妮塔。这位84岁的女演员是唯一一个将艾美奖、托尼奖、格莱美奖和奥斯卡奖都收入囊中的拉丁裔演员。

    Rita Moreno is best known for playing Anita in West Side Story , and the 84-year-old actress is the only Latina to win an Emmy , a Tony , a Grammy , and an Oscar .

  15. 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格将通过改编伦纳德·伯恩斯坦和斯蒂芬·桑德海姆的经典百老汇歌剧《西区故事》(百老汇版的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》),呈上歌舞表演和史上最美的一些音乐曲目(《玛丽亚》、《今夜》等等)。

    Steven Spielberg delivers singing , dancing and some of the most beautiful music ever written - Maria , Tonight , the list goes on - with his adaptation of Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim 's classic Broadway take on Romeo and Juliet .